Siege of the shed.

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Unit 0987 couldn 't understand why it was ordered to move up en masse upon the building in the clearing. The structure was dilapidated and small in size, 0987 didn't see why they had to attack it, the enemy it was pursuing would have ran right past the building. The mass produced doll then noticed the figure positioned up at the front window, it was holding something in its hand. The whole house suddenly opened up with fire and Unit 0987 and its sequentially numbered sisters were reduced to scrap.

¨STAR aim for the Hunter model! Sopmod, funnel them towards 16 and RO!¨

Sop: ¨I got a funneling device right under my barrel!¨

Star: ¨M4, Hunter model is withdrawing due to excessive damage.¨

¨Good! Take out any jaguars and watch for their .¨

Ro: ¨M4! Medevac is arriving in 5 minutes!¨

16: Told you we were gonna run babysitting duty.¨

¨I warned you, I'm halving your liquor allowance.¨

¨Commander! Please sit down, you'll disturb your wound.¨

¨Its clotted already, here Sopmod when you funnel them, you want to aim for their legs, you want them to force the others together, if you kill them others will just replace them.¨

Sop: ¨That sounds better! They can crawl away!¨

¨That's the spirit.¨ Krieger responds before turning and spitting, staining the floor a splotch of red.

¨Commander! You're bleeding again, please get behind cover.¨

K: ¨Just residue, I can manage until the bird gets here.¨

M4 utters noise of disapproval before returning to her post, firing and reloading like clockwork as brass litters the floor. The building starts to smoke and burn as the high energy plasma cooked the dried sidings, soon the dwelling is shrouded in a gray haze, shots aimed at the house going wild, the defenders inflicting worse damage as muzzle flashes can be seen methodically from each window.

K: ¨Go ahead and pop smoke for the door gunners RO, They'll be here soon.¨

¨On it Commander, smoke is deployed.¨

The ringleader takes a peek over from the tree she's hiding behind, a single sidearm raised, her left arm dangling helplessly from its elbow joint from that bastard ARs lucky shooting, meanwhile Commands screaming into her ear to push foward. Can't the stupid shits see she's pinned down? The Hunter model hesitates before grabbing a Vespid model by a shoulder, holding the thing up in front of her before making a dash for a cover a few steps in front. Her eyes suddenly focus on the glint of light reflecting off a scope followed by a muzzle flash.. The 5.56 HV round enters the front of Hunter's forehead, destroying the processing modules and the model falls to the ground.

STAR: ¨M4, Hunter model eliminated 500 yards out, all jaguar units are destroyed.¨

M4: ¨Roger.¨

K: ¨Watch for the charge, their command will have taken over now, they know they don't have a chance, but it won't hurt to try.¨

As predicted all remaining units in and around the front of the building rise from cover, and make a run at the building, the Commander hauling himself to a window before propping his barrel on the shattered sill and beginning to pull the trigger, the ones in his sight's falling like a carnival game.

16:¨Shit. One of them hit me! Fuck!¨

¨Are you alright Sis?¨

16:¨Nothing bad, I'll be fine.¨

Sop: ¨I'm out of M203s! Someone tell me they have extras.¨

K: ¨Note to self to pack more.¨

Sop: ¨Can I go out there? Please? They're so close!¨

K: ¨Wait, you can go picking prizes when they're all dead.¨

Sop: ¨I call Hunters arms!¨

16: ¨She's all yours.¨

RO: ¨Won't the pilots get here faster?¨

As if answering her question, the sound of turbines are heard approaching.

M2 checks the strap on her gun as it hangs from its sling on the side door before opening up, the chug chug of the blocky gun comforting in her ears as the ground around the S.F forces begin rupturing as if M80s were being set off, then the rounds climbed their way onto the remaining forces, joining M249's and KORDs lead, tearing and obliterating the poorly protected fodder.

M2: ¨Never gets old!¨

M249: ¨You can say that again.¨

Kord: ¨L-Less talking, we need to clear a site for the Commander!¨

M2: ¨Yes granny.¨

Kord: ¨H-Hey! Look who's talking!¨

The two shadows of the transports begin to darken the ground around the house as the M4's team picks off the stragglers. The team step out as their rides touch down and HS2000 hops out to help attend to Krieger.

HS: ¨Hold still please Commander.¨

K: ¨Ah! That hurts still!¨

HS: ¨I need to sanitize the wound again, I'm sorry Commander- eeeeh?!

Cursing and muttering under his breath Krieger picks up the HG doll much to her surprise.

K: ¨Sanitize my wound on the ride back alright?¨

HS: Y-Yes Commander.¨

He settles himself down on the second ride as his girls board the the furthest one. Krieger turns and pulls out a smoke, lighting it before putting it in his mouth, which is immediately removed by a black and green glove hand followed by a ear pinching.

K: ¨Ow! OW! OW!! I'm sorry dear!¨

M4: ¨You're wounded and still want a smoke!¨

K: ¨I'm sorry! The Commander exclaims before thumping on the metal panel behind the pilots seat signaling for him to get in the air.

16: ¨That's my sister.¨

RO: ¨Pardon?¨

16: ¨She's scolding him for sneaking a smoke, its hilarious.¨

RO leans closer to the doors window watching the team's leader scolding and worrying over their Commander as both birds rise in unison. Sopmod happily examines her new haul next to her as the two Black Hawks head for home.

That concludes the three parter, kinda long this finale. 10/11/22.

(Girls frontline)  I will always be at your side Commander! Monthlyish updates.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora