Thank god for Fletchette rounds

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Alright weapon lessons with G&K, this above is a "Fletchette round" imagine firing a bunch of nails at somebody, yeah

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Alright weapon lessons with G&K, this above is a "Fletchette round" imagine firing a bunch of nails at somebody, yeah... does a lot, even goes through body armor, now imagine what this does to say a... S.F doll? Alright onto the story

"Heavy ordinance teams concentrate on large groups, BGM, AT4, go after the Dragoons and heavy units."

"Copy that Commander, Fire one."

"MG's continue the suppressive fire and aim for the legs, Springfield get your team to start aiming for the Jaguars and Jaegers, get rid of their supporting fire and sharpshooters."

"reaiming Commander."

"Roger that."

"Hey, how you doing Vasiliy? You did say you wanted to stay didn't you?"

"Fuck you, I just wanted to go home."

"Really? Veteran my ass now, I have shit better men then you, I'll have MP40 here escort you to the hummer, you lay a finger on her or take off in the thing, and I'll find you and leave you to the S.F, Утвердительный Vasily?"

"да сэр."

"Thats right, MP40?"

"Ja Kommadant?"

"Please escort Mr. Vasiliy here to the hummer, Danke."

"B-But what if he hits m-me again kommadant?"

"Don't worry, he and I have talked it out, Mr. Vasily knows what might happen if he even breathes funny."

"A-Alright on my way commander."

"Commander enemy units are closing in, we can't hold out for too long with our ammunition count."

"Thats alright, let me know when everyone has 2 magazines left, then we withdraw."

"Spas how far are they from your teams position?"

"within range  that out shots wouldn't be overglorified confetti."

"Load Fletchette, wait till they are right below your teams window, get them from above."

"loading fletchette Commander."

Pulling out the datapad, Krieger switches to SAT-8s view from her window, watching the forces cautiously walk through the empty streets, the shotgun barrel poking out and down, and with the pull of the trigger a group of 3 Rippers crumple to the ground, as Spas and the others join, catching most of the units off guard, thinning their ranks within the minute as Krieger taps Sopmods shoulder.

"What is it Commander?"

"Look at this, isn't this wonderful? Thank god for Fletchette."

"Aw why can't we have some of that action? Commanderrrr tell them to save some for us."

"Don't worry Sopmod, theres more coming."

"Alright fine."

"Spas, have your team pull back to our position, we don't want you overrun."

"On it Commander!"

"Everyone lock and load, here comes trouble."

Well that was a few days late on my promise, apologies once again, college has been a pain, please let me know if there is any spelling or grammar mistakes, thanks.

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