Chapter Elleven

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Chapter 11!!!! I hope you enjoy it, I loved writing this chapter!


S. 2 - Ep. 11 - By The Light Of The Moon

    Abbe's POV:

    "Abbe," Someone was speaking to me, I blocked it out and rolled over in my sheets. "Little sister wake up." I groaned and pulled the blankets over my head. If Elijah wanted to talk he could do it at a responsible hour.

    Suddenly the blankets were ripped off me and the blinds were opened. "Nooo!" I yelled curling up into a little ball on my mattress and coving my head with a pillow.

    "Abbe, it is quite unbecoming to sleep in to this time of the day." My brother chuckled, his amusement mixed with his displeasure at my childish behaviour.

    I lifted my head from the pillow to glare at his stoic face before looking to the clock on my night-stand. "It's only... two-thirty in the afternoon." I mumbled before letting out an annoyed groan.

    "Get dressed and come downstairs, we're making a trip to the Gilbert residents." He said leaving my room and closing my door behind him. I glared at the door after he left and huffed.

    "I'm a writer, I'm doing a book about history in small towns. I'm still your brother." Elijah explains as we drive to Elena's house.

    "Hmmm, what's your endgame though?" I question, he shrugs.

    "You'll soon find out." He says, I raise my brows as he pulls into the Gilbert house. "Now wait here until I come get you." He instructs.

I scoff, "You best be kidding!" He turns to me, his face unmoving. "I'm not going to sit here while you threaten my friend! And don't forget that I still don't know if you have your own agenda or if you're working for Nik." I growl.

"Just stay here, you won't miss any action, little sister." I glare at him as he closes the door of the car. I go to open mine when the car beeps. I look up to Elijah he smirks, holding the keys in his hand. I try to open my door and it's locked.

"Bloody hell." I curse as he walks to the house. I could break the door but it would be loud and draw attention to me on the semi-busy street. So instead I huff, cross my arms and slouch in my seat.

Twenty minutes and 15 voice mails listened to later, the car unlocks. Elena was apparently very distraught over me killing the two vamps yesterday, but through the span of 15 voice mails Damon seemed to have convinced her it was for the best. I open the door and hop out closing it behind me. I head to the front door and knock. It opens to Jeremy. "Abbe!" He exclaims.

"Hey, Jer! Long time no see. You got taller." I say as he makes room for me to step inside.

"Yeah, and did you get shorter?" I hit him in the chest with a playful glare. "You looking for Elena?" I nod. "She's up stairs." He says.

"Thanks, Little Gilbert!" I call as I hurry up the stairs.

"Let's just say, my goal is not to break the curse." Elijah says as I open the door.

"Intriguing, please do tell." I say sarcastically. Elena looks between the two of us in confusion. Elijah gives me a tired look as he casually sits across Elena's windowsill.

"So, you two are siblings?" Elena questions, Elijah nods. "And you're both vampires." This time I nod. "So are you two are working together? You want to bring me to Klaus?" She says, betrayal setting into her voice as she looks at me. I keep the hurt out of my eyes but my hands still finger my ring. Elijah notices and stands up, ready to come over before I give him a reassuring glance.

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