Chapter Twenty-Five

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The photo above is of Abbe's outfit in the pic Rebekah sees of her!


S. 3 - Ep. 4 - Disturbing Behaviour

Rebekah's POV:

I groaned as I looked over the dress I wore. It was a black mesh with a low and wide V-neck and the bottom didn't even pass mid-thigh. "There has to be more to this dress," I state, coming out of the dressing room. Klaus and Stefan looked up at me as my brother responded.

"There's not."

"So, women in the 21st-century dress like prostitutes, then?" I ask sarcastically, rolling my eyes. Klaus smirks and takes a sip of his champagne. "You know I got dirty looks for wearing trousers."

"You wore trousers so women today could wear nothing." Klaus laughs.

I pout, "Where's Abbe? I need her, she must have clothes I can have!" Klaus rolls his eyes and Stefan speaks up.

"If you think that dress makes you look like a prostitute you would never wear Abbe's clothes." I raised my eyebrows in surprise as Klaus agreed with him.

"Little baby Abbe wears clothes worse than this?" I scoff not believing either male as I gesture to my mesh dress. They both nod. "No way." There is no way my innocent little sister - ok, maybe not so innocent - would wear stuff like this.

"You want proof? Here." Klaus says, holding up his phone to me, the little phone screen lights up with a photograph. Abbe sits at a table in what looks like a modern kitchen. Two other girls are with her, both much younger and both with big smiles on their faces as Abbe hands them both glasses with a white whipped substance on top of a dark brown liquid. Abbe has her own glass that's already half full. On Abbe's face, right above her lips was the white substance she had her eyes crossed, looking down at her nose as she attempted to lick away the white whipped substance.

But, other than my confusion at the common era I was horrified with her outfit. She practically wore a bra with only a faux leather jacket to cover her shoulders. She wore blue jean shorts that were much higher than mid-thigh and heeled black boots. And although I had to admit it looked good on her, the red bra and jacket matched nicely with the shorts and boots I was taken aback by how comfortable she looked in the revealing clothes.

"Bloody hell," I mumbled, tearing my eyes away from the screen. Klaus nodded.

"I found it." Gloria says letting go of my hand. She'd been using me to find my necklace since I did wear it for 1000 years.

"So, where is it?" I question. She shakes her head.

"It doesn't work like that, Doll. I get images. There's a girl with her friends." She explains and I snap.

"Yes, a dead girl with dead friends if I don't get my necklace!"

"Yes, well I'll have to dive back in to get the details."

"You're on thin ice Gloria. I didn't come here to go on a chase for my sister's ancient necklace. I came here to find out why my hybrids are dying!" Klaus growled, standing up.

"Well maybe if you had brought me what I had asked for this wouldn't be a problem." Gloria snapped back.

"What exactly did you ask for?" I questioned curiously.

"You, your necklace and your sister." She answered.

"Why do you need Abbe?" Stefan questioned, sounding extremely on edge.

"That girl knows everything, including ancient spells in dead languages that could be helpful in contacting the Original Witch. And chances are she knows where the necklace is." Gloria explained, I nodded. Abbe probably would know where it was, maybe she even had it.

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