Chapter Thirty-Four

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S. 3 - Ep. 13 - Bringing out The Dead

Abbe's POV:

"Abbe?" I heard my friend's voice travel up to my room so I sped downstairs.

"Hey, Care." I smiled as I stopped in the living room where she stood. She looked distraught and I grew concerned.

"What's wrong?" I questioned, motioning to the couch.

"Bonnie told me where the coffins were." She said, my eyes widened in surprise. "She called me last night and she told me to move them from the Old Witch House, where they were keeping them. When I asked why... she hesitated and said that the witches were trying to use them against us. I wanted to know more but she said it was complicated and she'd tell me after." I was confused as to where this was going but I encouraged her to continue.

"I... I stupidly believed her and started moving the coffins. But I'd only had time to move one before your brother showed up. I was so surprised and he was angry. He started yelling at me not only for hiding the coffin but also being a bad friend to you and taking away your family and... and... I don't know, I guess everything started to click..." I was beyond confused now. Care had started crying.

"Bonnie lied... She knew Klaus was coming and she knew I was against what they were doing so she lied to get me to help them. She used me and she didn't even apologize this morning when I called her! I'm so sorry, Abbe! I'm such a bad friend!" She began to sob and I held her reassuring her that she was an amazing friend as I filtered the information through my mind.

"Where are the coffins now?" I asked as she settled down.

"Klaus has three of them but Stefan got to the other one before we could get it back from where I put it at the Boarding House. I'm so sorry!" She sniffled. "And... I may have un-daggered Elijah." I raised an eyebrow.

"Why would you un-dagger him?"

"It's because of what Klaus said. When I asked if he would un-dagger your siblings he denied it, saying it wasn't time yet. Elijah was the only one I had time for while Klaus was calling a hybrid to collect the coffins, Klaus came back before I could un-dagger the other two." She suddenly pulled out a silver dagger and my eyes widened as she handed it to me. Elijah's dagger.

"What about Rebekah? Where is she?"

"You don't know?" Care asked confused. "Elena traded Rebekah for Jeremy's safety. Klaus' had her for a few days now." I grew angry at the thought of my brother holding our siblings' hostage, daggered and tortured in cold darkness. Even after Mikael died! We are supposed to be safe, now!

"Thank you for telling me this, Care. You're an amazing friend." She didn't look convinced.

"You seem mad." She said as we cuddled on the couch, sitting in peaceful silence. I sighed.

"We're supposed to be safe now, safe and together, free to do as we please now that Mikael is gone. But he's still holding our family captive." I glare at the wall, a portrait my elder Brother painted of Venice taking the brunt of the anger.

'Stefan, Elijah and Klaus are having some sort of meeting to figure out a truce.'
'I'm going to make sure your brother doesn't kill mine'
'See you tonight'

I grew confused at my boyfriend's text messages as I sat on the front porch of Caroline's house. Her Dad was inside, he was in transition, but, he wasn't going to. I held her close for an hour, an hour of reassuring words and reminiscent memories. Care had called me after she'd found him in the hospital supply room, dead. Elena had tried to help but Care didn't even trust her enough to let her comfort her, so here I was.

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