How We Became To Be

68 4 8

Chosen Choice:
I. Tell him about Namjoon

Chances of Dialog:

"You really love him..."

"I can't promise anything."


Why do I want to become a demon... Why do I want to be stuck in this realm...

Through those questions one face comes to mind. A face with bright dimples when he smiles, those happy eyes when he talks about his books and his thoughts.

"It's Namjoon..." I say softly. "He's been there since day one, protecting me for my best. It might not have been long, but his presence was never left behind. He was always on my mind somewhere."

Yoongi tilts his head. "My brother really captured your heart, didn't he?"

I nod. "My heart always pounds near him. Every moment was worth remembering. Even when he went ballistic. I got to know him. He showed weakness and kindness, he spoke his mind and even though he was shy, he knew what he wanted and asked for it when he did."

Yoongi scoffs a little. "You really love him..." He smiles. "I'm happy. My brothers... Namjoon. He was the one who was hit hardest with our fall upon the Devildom."

"How so?"

"When we were cast down, before that, he got so incredibly angry with all of us. We had never seen him like that. He broke valuables, smashed things around, screamed and even hurt Taehyung when he tried to help. From that decisive moment our sins were permanently casted. Him, for his anger and wish to hurt those around him. Seokjin, for being too proud of not joining in. Taehyung, for eating his problems away. Jimin, for relieving his stress with sex. Jungkook, for being envious of other's bonds. Hoseok, for gathering expensive stuff to turn away too when we began to argue. Me, for being too lazy to help everyone out during their hardest times..."

Yoongi sighs deeply.

"I never really told our story. It feels good to let you know what we've gone through."

I smile at him. "None of you deserved it, but if you hadn't turned out here, we would have never met."

"And I'm thankful for that." Yoongi nods. "But the way we went. The way we broke. I've always had my horns and tail, but my posession just worsened with the years. During my time in that cage, I realized my faults. All my mistakes, all my doings. I started to believe in fate and if anyone could change us it would be you. But there was one before you."

"Before me... Lillith, right?"

Yoongi nods again. "She tried her best to get along with us, but after half a year she took favoritism. She hung out with Jungkook and Jimin much more than the others and completely ignored Namjoon and Hoseok unless they asked something. Eventually nearly all of us snapped when she proposed a deal to all of us to let her be part of our family. She was obsessed and overcome by the wish for power. Namjoon and Seokjin ended up killing her by complete accident."

"Then what makes me different from her?"

"You don't do favoritism." Yoongi smiles. "I heard you. You don't talk different to others, you try to get along with everyone no matter the situation. Jungkook's first meeting was shocking but you managed to make up by being yourself. We don't like you because of an act of kindness. We like you because you don't treat us different. We are humans to you as you are a demon to us. Equal, and balanced. This world is all about that. Heirs, princes. It didn't matter--"

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