A True Danger

98 6 13

Chosen Choice:
III. Become his Wrath

Chances of Dialog:

"No longer is it eating me... No more. Never again."



Namjoon slowly looks up at Haejoon, who raises an eyebrow at him. There's an unknown fire in his eyes, a green flame that burns brighter with every closed up thought.

He doesn't say a single word. He only raises his hands, grasping onto his hood and slides it off, revealing his horns.

"Namjoon, what are you doing? You know that showing your possession without permission is forbidden." Haejoon sighs.

Namjoon growls at her. "I don't care. This nice guy... I should never have taken this act. I should have kept my anger and stayed that way. If I never refused my Wrath I would have never gotten this far."

"This isn't the answer-"

"Than what is, Haejoon?" Namjoon snarls at her. "Is living life as a demonic food item for your own possession the answer?" He scoffs, rubbing his neck. "I suppose that's an innocent way of thinking."

"What happened, Namjoon?" Haejoon asks, begging the younger demon to think with reason, but he's fallen far to deep.

"What happened?" Namjoon lets out a burst of dark laughter, his tail swaying with amusement at how worried Haejoon sounds for him. "Have you ever been afraid of love?"


"That other feeling... That feeling that eats you out from inside, just as Wrath does. You know? That human can be a lot worth to me. She can be my own, my brothers right at my feet, a war just as it belongs."

"Namjoon, just think-"

"Think about what?" Namjoon grins, baring his now sharp rows of teeth. "Because I see a new future, Haejoon. A future where I am the only one on the throne. Where my brothers beg for me and bow to me. Where this lovely human is my breeding toy so I can make a heir."

"Humans are no toys-"

"Are you really implying that I'll keep her human? Even a donkey can see that she's much more valuable to me." Namjoon growls. "She will be my queen. She will rule alongside with me, fight with me alongside everyone as their leader as the war approaches. This is a new age, and I'm ready to pursue that outcome."


"Shut up." Namjoon growls. "This is my future. If any of my brothers take her from me, it's them who will be tortured. The human will be mine, her mortal life will end and I will make sure that she will become as much of a dark possession as I am. I will make sure she will rule the Devildom with power. My brothers... their one ticket to the Celestial Realm... my queen."

He begins to laugh, his Wrath taking a toll on him.

"They will never be able to go back!"

"Kim Namjoon!"

Namjoon sends her a deadly glare, causing Haejoon to flinch. She's seen Wrath in him, but never like this.

Never this determined... this strong...



Jungkook has fallen asleep on my lap. He dosed off a few minutes ago, complaining about the enemy Mercy.

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