One Brother Less

107 6 4

Chosen Choice:
I. Calm them down aggressively

Chances of Dialog:

"I'm merely a demon."

"If I had claws I would rip you apart!"


In a split second after I've been in trans on how beautiful and threatening both demons are, I stumbled over my feet and rush in between them.

"Hey! HEY!" I yell.

Taehyung growls loudly at me, hands digging into Hoseok's barely clothed shoulders, marks left over both their bodies.

"Go away." He sneers in a demonic tone.

I see Seokjin and Jimin about to step in but I give them a cold glare that tells them to stay.

"This is a fight from demon to demon!" Hoseok shouts. "To the death!"

I almost feel my arms collapse against their chest when I want to hold them back, but both of them are too desperate to tear each other apart.

If they had kept fighting either one of them would have died...

"STOP! You are brothers!"

"One brother less isn't a problem!" Hoseok sneers. "So shut your pathetic human mouth. You know nothing about us and you never will. You'll be on our platter before you even know it."

"You are not eating her." Taehyung growls angrily.

"No. You are not." Seokjin says lowly. "If you did we would have to go to war with Earth. Everything that Baekhyun was trying to achieve is then gone because of your greedy and pathetic demon ass."

"Do you think I really care about that stupid boss of yours?! The more free we are the better!" Hoseok snarls.

"Than there is one thing we at least have in common." Taehyung growls. "If I had claws I would rip you apart!"

"HEY!" I yell.

Both of them give me a dangerous glare but I don't step down. Though they are taller than me and incredibly intimidating, I won't let a murder taint my pretty brain.

"Stop it. You're brothers. In the human world we solve it easier."

"... Is there an other way besides ripping each other apart?" Hoseok tilts his head. "That sounds boring."

Taehyung nods. "It does."

"Well than you two at least have some sort of agreement. Don't you?!" I snap. "Stop being so snappy all the time! You have your possessions and those are not to be messed with!"

Hoseok and Taehyung look away, almost embarrassed.

"Excuse me..." Taehyung mumbles.

He slips past us and rushes upstairs, even fluttering his wings ever so slightly.

Hoseok crosses his arms. "Stupid... If I could have the choice of being a human I would take it by the flesh."


"You have no possessions, no needs for those possessions, no demonic forms and no undying needs!" Hoseok complains.

"Doesn't that just all come down onto your Greed?" Jungkook asks absently.

"Exactly!" Hoseok whines. "My possession is so difficult!" His body slumps and he pouts like a child, making Seokjin shake his head in disappointment.

"Children..." He mutters.

"But... back to my original question... How do you make a pact?" I ask.

Hoseok tilts his head at me, grinning. "Why do you want to know so badly? Do you want one?"

Oh... shit. His question comes at a pretty unexpected turn right now.

What should I do?


I. Say yes
(??? Friendship +)
(Seokjin friendship -)

II. Say no
(???'s friendship -)
(Seokjin friendship +)

III. Don't answer and go after Taehyung
(Taehyung friendship +)
(Taehyung affection +)
(Jungkook suspicion ×)

IV. Say yes and tell him that he is the one you want to pact with
(Hoseok hatred -)
(Jimin friendship -)

Choose wisely, reader.

I'm sure you know the drill by now.

🖤 = neutral
💚 = Namjoon
💜 = Jungkook
💙 = ???
💛 = Hoseok
❤ = Seokjin
💗 = Jimin
🍔 = Taehyung


60% friendship
23% affection

55% friendship
45% affection

60% friendship
30% affection

55% friendship
30% hatred

40% friendship
40% affection

20% suspicion
20% hatred

5% friendship


Affection cannot be raised if hatred is present in the stats. To fix it you must get hatred down to 0%.
Friendship cannot be raised if suspicion is present in the stats. To fix it you must get suspicion down to 0%.

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