A Demon's Meal

92 3 3

Chosen Choice:
V. Spend the last hour with Yoongi

Chances of Dialog:

"You're only tempting me to eat you."

"You're very determined. Also very stubborn."


I frown, looking up at him. "Who are you really, Yoongi?" I ask him softly. "How can you be the brother of angels and have no angelic blood in your veins?"

Yoongi frowns at me. "I choose not to answer."

I look up at him, a little sad with his answer. But he sighs and looks away.

Seokjin merely chuckles and crosses his arms. "I know. Lost little hellhound."

Yoongi only growls in return, turning his head away. "You last hour with who?"

I don't answer. I simply look up at him and wait for him to make eye contact with me, which I don't receive.

Seokjin cautiously steps in for me with a frown. "I think she wants to stay with you, Yoongs."

"Don't call me that." Yoongi snarls. "And no. She can't."

I know very well that it's unsafe, but I know so little about him. The least I can do for leaving him in there is to get to know him before he eats me...

That's not the best thought I've had.

"Please Yoongi?" I ask. "I've gotten them to let you out, not with the best meaning, but I did help. I looked at you and I listened to you when you were locked up and alone in the dark. I know we don't exactly get along, but the least I can do for leaving such a long gap is to get to know you."

Yoongi scoffs and growls, looking away, his tail flicking in annoyance. "You're very determined. Also very stubborn." He grumbles, then grins. "I like that."

I smile at him.

"Fine. You can have the last hour with me. But you have one hour, so don't piss me off."

I nod, thankful for his second chance.

What should I do?


I. Ask him about the cage
(Find out about him)

II. Ask him about school
(Find out about him)

III. Ask him about his family and his genes
(Find out about him)

🖤 = neutral
💚 = Namjoon
💜 = Jungkook
💙 = Yoongi
💛 = Hoseok
❤ = Seokjin
💗 = Jimin
🍔 = Taehyung


40% friendship
15% affection

70% friendship
45% affection

100% friendship - MAX. reached ⚠️
50% affection

90% friendship
50% affection

20% Queen Route

15% suspicion
10% friendship

40% friendship
5% affection


The Queen Route makes everything more punishable. Doing something Jimin likes but Jungkook hates will take bigger consequences.

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