His Possession

192 7 22

Chosen Choice:
I. Tell them about the voice

Chances of Dialog:


"You're a greedy bastard!"


I gulp nervously as everyone stares at me. I... I really shouldn't hold secrets from demons that I'm going to live with.

"I... well, I woke up." I begin softly. "In the middle of the night. And... I heard a voice. A really husky enchanting voice that told me to help him."

Namjoon's eyes grow wide. "Why didn't you tell me this?"

"Tell you?!" Jimin shouts. "She should have told me!"

I look down, slightly ashamed. "And then Namjoon helped me. I slept with him because I was scared that it would lure me again."

Namjoon's frown softens and he gently rubs my back while Jungkook stares at me with an angry scowl.

I don't know whether it is from yesterday or the voice...

Seokjin frowns and yet he smiles. He mutters something under his breath and lets out a held back demonic growl.

"Why would..." Hoseok starts, but then shakes his head. "Hyung, is this going to be a problem?"

"Is what going to be a problem?" Taehyung asks. He's just as confused as I am.

Hoseok shakes his head. "Nothing. Nothing for your innocent eyes, Tae."

Taehyung pouts, mumbling a bless you under his breath.

Seokjin growls at him. "We do not bless in this household."

Gluttony sighs and bites his bottom lip. "Fine."

Seokjin's eyes shift towards me. "Thank you for telling us this... I'll think of something to fix this. Do you want breakfast?"

I nod and slide into the free chair next to Hoseok and Jimin.

Jimin frowns slightly and raises an eyebrow at me but he smiles, biting his lip. "Sitting next to me? How flattering. Are you flirting with me?"

"Jimin." Namjoon growls.

"Come on, hyung. I'm just having fun! You sound like Jungkook." Jimin rolls his eyes. "Don't act as if you never had a morning erection."

"Jimin!" Hoseok yells, face flushed red. "Don't go exposing our manliness!"

I snort, letting out a small giggle. So, Hoseok's greedy and a bit shy. Cute.

Jimin grins. "Want me to go ahead and tell this human what you do at night?"

"NO!! WHAT THE HELL?!" Hoseok shouts. "Are you trying to expose me?!"

Jimin shrugs. "Only if you want."

"Fuck off." Hoseok growls, stuffing some of the bacon on his plate in his mouth.

Seokjin grabs a plate, sets it in front of me on the table and smiles kindly. "Eat, Jaein. Today is your first day. I hope the classes will interest you."

"I'm sure of it!" I smile as I express my excitement. I am really curious. "I want to learn everything! From the Devildom's history to the core of a soul and the relationships with humans and angels! I want to learn about the way demons act and their possessions to their very own demonic form!"

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