A Comfortable Voice

185 9 17

Chosen Choice:
III. Find someone to sleep with

Chances of Dialog:

"Why did you decide to come to me?"

"Is... Is it okay if I do this?"


I sigh in frustration, tossing, and turning. The voice is husky and luring, almost begging me to come towards it. It's enchanting and it makes me feel... dizzy.

I slowly pull away the covers. It's almost as if a light spreads around my room. An ash blue, it seems.

I silently and carefully open the door, looking around to see if no one is there. Silence is what I hear.

I slip out of my room, following the voice.

Why is it so alluring?

I feel my heartbeat quicken and my hands begin to clam. The closer I get to the stairway to the attic, the louder the voice becomes.


Come to me.

Help me...

Come find me...

Release me.

The spiraled staircase is quick to come in view, my hand reaching out to touch the railing when a strong hand clasps itself around my wrist.

I gasp and snap out of the trans of following the voice that suddenly disappeared.

I look up at who grabbed me, a nervous lump forming in my throat as I'm looking directly into Namjoon's moss green eyes.

I expect to see a frown. A dark gaze as he scolds me, but instead he loosens his grip and smiles at me.

He has bed hair. Really cute messy bed hair.

"What are you doing out here so late?" He asks in a whisper.

I blink, not really sure how to answer. I look at the door that has opened, closest to the staircase.

It must be his room.

I gulp and just shrug, looking down at my bare feet.

Namjoon's hand slips down from my wrist to my hand, gently leading me away.

The voice has stopped whispering. Has stopped luring me.

"Hey, are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost." Namjoon asks, taking a messy lock of my hair and sliding it behind my ear.

It's in the middle of the night. My heart skips a beat in my chest when I finally look up at him.

There is a window behind the staircase with no curtains, allowing the moonlight to fall upon the demon.

His skin glows in the moonlight, his eyes seeming to have a gentle, starry glow as his plump lips have parted slightly to let his tongue swipe over his bottom lip.

He quickly averts his gaze and coughs. "Why were you out here? It's late."

"I... I don't know." I mumble shyly.

Namjoon sighs and looks up at the stairs before softly tugging me back to my room.

I'm scared... What if the voice comes back and does manage to get me up there? What would be waiting for me?

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