A Heart For A Heart

56 4 6

TRIGGER WARNING :: Blood and descriptions of dead bodies

Chosen Choice:

I. Love
• The Human Heart

Chances of Dialog:

"Are you sure we can do this?"



Jungkook whimpers, his nose sensitive to the smell. He didnt think it'd be so heavy in just a few seconds.

Through the scent he can nearly see what's displaying in front of him. He really hopes it's not as bad as he imagines it being.

But Seokjin having full sight of what a demon can truly become. A hungry, soulless creature.

He has to step in. It's losing Jungkook's innocence or losing the one they're trying to save.

"Yoongi. Stop."

The demon snarls and growls at him, clawing at the fleshy body. His lips quirk into a smirk when he sees the red hue in Seokjin's eyes darken.

But the prideful demon is not one easily given in, and rushes forward to push his brother away.

Jungkook squeaks, not prepared for the sight. Not of the body, nor his brothers.

Seokjin keeps pushing Yoongi away, for the first time allowing his demon push through.

Baring his sharp teeth and growling and snarling at his brother, spreading his wings to protect the bloody body.

Yoongi sees the threat as his time to leave and he passes Jungkook with a snarl, going downstairs.

Seokjin slowly pulls his wings back, quickly picking up the body.

Small pieces of flesh drape down his clothing and the skin and bones revealed. Blood pools around him through the open chest cavity and exposed flesh in her arms and neck.

Horrified is the word that Jungkook would use. He can barely recognize her.

Human... Fragile and weak.

Seokjin gives him a sad nod, through the hopes of her ending up okay, telling his little brother they will be.

Jungkook knows things. He has been told things Seokjin doesn't.

"Gather the others. I'll set up the ritual before you return."

Jungkook knows the location of the castles. All of them. But Seokjin only knows his own.

Sure they're big, big can never tower over the high forests and buildings in the Devildom. It's only the question whether Jungkook trusts him enough to resume what they were never able to finish.

As the youngest runs out of the house and on his way, Seokjin immediately starts preparing.

Candles, fire, sigils, documents, herbs and the chant of the spellbook. But one thing is missing.

A human heart...

Seokjin has in mind what he wants her to be.

For she has loved them all like none have. Not even their parents. It was a friendly kind of love, but still love nonetheless.

This required a human heart.

Knowing the body may not be damaged further than it already is, there is only one option for Seokjin left.

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