Possessions... Are A Pain

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Once again two people voted for two different things so I will go with the one that will progress the story the most.

Chosen Choice:
I. Tell him what happened

Chances of Dialog:

"If it helps than... You know... I could help."

"I want you..."


In a sudden rush of building tears, I nod. He won't be able to help me if I don't.

I give him a hesitant nod and he quickly takes me in his arms to embrace me in a comfortable hug. His body is warm and his skin is soft, causing me to snuggle against his toned chest.

"Well... Hoseok and I had a great evening. We went to the movies and all and he brought me to dinner..." I pause to hold back a rising sob, but Jimin only hugs me tighter.

"Just let it out. It'll hurt more if you hold back. I won't judge, I promise."

I shake my head. "If I do... I'll get even more of a headache..."

He nods. "Deep breaths, in and out, calmly."

I do as he says, take a few shaky deep breaths before I continue. "And when we got home... He confessed."

"Confessed in what way?"

"He wanted a... a kiss. B-but you said that the feeling was part of being in a pact... that it wasn't real."

Jimin bites his lip. "I should've explained it better... It isn't real, but it isn't fake either. Being in a pact makes you feel more comfortable, but if he really confessed that he wanted a kiss it didn't necessarily mean love. Hoseok's a silent admirer. With or without a kiss, he would feel bad because inside he knows it can get worse."

Just his words made by guilt worse. I could have kissed Hoseok and nothing would be different.

My silence seems to bring Jimin aware of my thoughtful worries, slowly rubbing his hand up and down my back.

"But it's alright." He says softly. "If it doesn't work out with him, we are with six." He tries to joke, a cheesy smile on his face.

But that's what I'm afraid of.

If I have to make a pact with each of these demons, than how will the pain be if they all confess? What if they all feel this way? I can't possibly refuse or accept all six of them. It's either pain or jealousy.

"If it helps than... You know... I could help." Jimin mumbles quietly. "I could give you a distraction..."

"I'm not looking for that right now." I sigh. "I just want to sleep... Forget about what happened."

"I'm going to be honest and tell you that it won't be easy." Jimin shakes his head lightly. "Hoseok is a demon, your demon at the moment. He'll still feel that strong tug as much as you and it'll be more and more heavy with the day. And if I'm honest again, I don't like that Namjoon is so far on you either. I have nothing against my brothers, but to see you with them, whist their eyes are at war with each other for you... It's heartbreaking."

"Your brothers?"

"No, that you're in between all of this." Jimin sighs. "It's merely a feeling. An emotion. Yet these emotions are stronger than any physical power in the entire world. In the entire universe even. Sometimes I want to keep you all to myself so that I can protect you."

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