The What Now

93 4 9

Chosen Choice:
I. Go with him

Chances of Dialog:

"We're the following kings. Each of us will have a part to rule."

"It reminds me not to leave you."


I gulp, staring at him. Hoseok is trying to breathe, but he can't even talk with how tight Namjoon is gripping him.

"Well?" Namjoon growls. "I'm giving you a choice." His grip tightens.

Hoseok's eyes are wider with fear than I have ever seen and I can feel his pain. It's heavy on my throat.


"Quiet." Namjoon growls at him. "I'll claw your heart out."

"No!" I panic, reaching out to clamp my hands around Namjoon's free arm. "I'll come with you..."

A dark sinful grin spreads across Namjoon's face, his grip slowly loosening on Hoseok's throat.

He takes a few large deep breaths, reaching for his neck which is now red with marks.

"Ja-Jaein..." He pants. "Don't do this!"

"Please Hobi... Don't interfere. I don't want anyone else to get hurt." I beg him, but he growls at his younger brother.

"You fucking selfish idiot!"

"Watch your words."

"No!" Hoseok growls. "You stay away from her!"

Namjoon scoffs. "You're a fool."


"She decided," Namjoon growls angrily. "And so I will not hesitate to fulfill it."

Namjoon grabs my wrist tightly. He ignores Hoseok clawing at his clothes. With one flick of his arm, he slams Hoseok off him, pulling me away.

Tears run down Hoseok's cheeks as he holds his bleeding shoulder, his sad eyes looking right at me, his broken voice crying out my name.

And I can't help but think about how we left things off...

I refused his kiss... We never made up...

That thought alone brings tears to my eyes as Jungkook tiredly runs up to Namjoon, but he ignores him.

Taehyung isn't home... Seokjin is treating his bleeding chest and glares at Namjoon. "You will return her in a single day. If not, I will take matters into my own hands."

Namjoon lets out a laugh. "Within one day you won't recognize her anymore. She'll be better than you can ever imagine."

What is that supposed to mean?!

My heart pounds in my chest as he pulls me out of the house and I try to call out to Jimin, but he stares at me apologetically, stumbling around the room to fix his hurting leg.

I'm hopeless...

Who is this Namjoon?

"Where are we going?" I ask softly.

"The castle."

My eyes grow wide at his answer. "Castle?!"

He nods proudly. "The one that will be mine when the throne is passed on to us."

"But... What?" I'm too confused to think for a moment.

"So Seokjin never told you?" Namjoon scoffs. "We're the following kings. Each of us will have a part to rule."

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