Seokjin's Donation

75 3 2

Chosen Choice:
II. Let him carry you bridal style

Chances of Dialog:

"You wanted to fly with me. I've taken you. Now it's time to spread your own wings."

"I'm about to betray my own brother for my own selfish needs..."


I smile at him when he chuckles. He suddenly scoops me up into his arms, drawing a yelp out of me.

He grins. "Hold on tight and wear something warm. It's about to get real chilly."

"Wait, wait, wait, you're taking me up?!"

"I am." Seokjin chuckles. "You're going to fly."

A smile curls my lips as he pushes open the doors to his balcony with his shoulder. He's not kidding. He's taking me to the sky...

The wind is a bit cold, just as I came with, but the view over the dark forest is magnificent.

"I wished I could fly..."

"It is amazing to do." Seokjin says. "The air, the adrenaline, the hunger..." He chuckles softly. "But I'm here to take you up. This is our little trip."

With that he spreads his wings wide and sets off, launching himself off the balcony and into the air.

I squeak at the sudden lift and press myself harder against his chest, wrapping my arms around him.

He laughs at my shock and hugs me closer to him as he carries both of us under his strong wings.

How those feathers can carry both of us is a miracle...

"Wow..." I'm speechless when Seokjin has taken me over the trees, giving me a view of the entire town. It's beautiful...

Seokjin hugs me closer, a smile curling his full lips as he watches over the view and over me, occasionally giving us a boost up when we hover too low.

"How do you like it thus far?" He asks softly.

"It's gorgeous..." I say breathlessly. "Absolutely beautiful."

He smiles. "I'm enjoying this as well."

"I'm not too heavy?"

"You barely weigh anything." He grins. "I'm not surprised. I mean, you are a vulnerable, delicate, soft human being."

I smile at him. Should I consider telling him about my plan with Namjoon?

I'm still a little sad that I let myself get abused by Jimin, although it did help me and Namjoon grow a lot closer through this intimacy.

"Jin, if I were to be a demon, could I get pregnant by one of you?" I ask softly.

He looks down at me. "Why are you asking?"


He chuckles. "If you have a transformation, yes. Half-bloods can make children with any demon kind. Half, pure, or royal. It would not work with you because you were human."

So I can still get children with Namjoon...

I let out a sigh of relief, smiling at the thought of having a little Joon already running around the castle.

"You seem to like that idea..." Seokjin teases. "Anyone in mind?"

I nod softly. "Yeah..."

"Have you found love?"

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