Welcome To Hell

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The uniform feels a little too loose, though they didn't have enough time to make it in my size. They mistook me for someone... stronger.

That hurt, but I'm not nervous.

I stand here in front of Demon High Academy. Also known as DHA. It's too difficult to pronounce in human language though.

Thankfully we'll learn Demonos here.

I was chosen as one of the many signed up humans to be exchanged.

Two humans would go to the Devildom, two humans to the Celestius.

And so two demons went to Earth and Celestius, and two angels vise versa.

I'm not nervous. Not at all.

I have my friend with me, Yeosang. My favorite boy ever since the beginning of our high school.

We stay for one semester. The senior year. We do exams in the Devildom and then they decide whether we stay or go back home.

Yeosang wants to go home. He has a family to go back to.

Me too, but I don't know this place yet so I don't want to jump to any conclusions yet.

Unlike Yeosang, who looks absolutely beautiful in his uniform, I'm forced to wear one size bigger.

Yeosang keeps telling me I look good, but I doubt it.

My uniform feels too big around my chest and the sleeves are like sweater paws. My skirt, which should drop to my lower thighs, almost goes over my knees, and I had to go without the stockings because they constantly dropped. Thankfully they had my shoe size.

I quickly fix my high ponytail and hold Yeosang's hand as we walk inside. I can feel his hands shaking and it squeezes mine to death almost.

The doors are dramatically big, but nonetheless, we can open them.

There is no one in the hallway, class must have started. But the time we had to arrive... I was just a few seconds late!

"Ah! You must be the exchange students!" A cheery voice greets us.

I look up to see a man, maybe a demon... For sure a demon. He smiles widely at us and is dressed in the same uniform as us, just in red instead of black.

"My name is Baekhyun, welcome to DHA!" He greets us.

I smile and bow politely, whilst Yeosang does the same, but less deep and shakier.

"I've never seen a real human before! You look very cute for my liking!"

"Flattery will get you nowhere, Baekhyun." Another voice chuckles.

I didn't even notice him. He was so quiet and observing...

The boy moves his position to stand next to Baekhyun and crosses his arms in an arrogant way, staring down at us.

His black eyes are outlined with a red gradient, his pupil barely separated from his iris. His hair is pitch black and parted to the right side of his face, matching the look of his posture.

Dark and dominant, yet prideful.

"Come on now Seokjin!" Baekhyun laughs. "Loosen up! They're new!"

"And no exception to the other students." The demon, Seokjin, responds.

Yeosang is shaking visibly, his poor body trembling under Seokjin's heavy stare.

"I hope you two are not like my brothers." The demon mutters.

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