A Demonic Pain

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Chosen Choice:
III. Say yes but only if he can transform you immediately

Chances of Dialog:

"Go ahead. Leave. But just know that Yoongi is alive and well."

"Marry me... Be my queen."


I smile at him, kissing him again myself. He doesn't let go of me. Our kisses are still longer and warmer, pleasing to the touch.

"I wanna go." I smile. "But... I don't think I need any more time. I know what I want. I know what I need. What I need is you, and only you."

Namjoon's smile grows wider and face glows with happiness as he pulls me into a tight hug. "So you'll be mine?! Really?! Oh... This is amazing!" He laughs happily.

I can't help but laugh with him. Soon I'll be like him... With him. I'll be a demon just like him.

"I want to find the DNA right now. I need you, Namjoon..."

I feel his heart pound in his chest and he nods. "Of course. The sooner the better."

He forces himself to let go of me, and he takes me downstairs where he gives me a list of small drawings.

"Choose whichever. We all have different horns so if you want one of ours, DNA from us is no problem." He smiles.

Imagine having matching horns...

Although i'm more drawn to elegance. The sight of power and ambition. The long upward curly horns catch my attention in particular and I swear I've seen them somewhere before.

Namjoon catches my stare. "Hoseok's?"


"These." Namjoon points at the horns I was looking at. "Hoseok has these."

"Oh. Well that makes it easy. Doesn't it?"

Namjoon hums agreeingly.

Either wings or a tail... I've always wanted to fly.

I point at the dark feathered ones, of which Namjoon chuckles. "Seokjin has those."

I point at the sharp nails next, of which he tells me that belong to Jungkook, and the possession...

What kind of possession do I want to be?

"We can figure it out later." Namjoon smiles. "First we get the DNA."


Seokjin paced around the room, his fists clenching and his sharp nails digging into the palm of his hand.

Everyone disagreed with Namjoon.

"He shouldn't have been so selfish." Taehyung growls. "We were still going out."

"He took my girl." Hoseok growls angrily. "My princess."

Jimin simply nods, agreeing with Hoseok.

"But why does he let this get to his head?" Jungkook asks softly. "I want her too."

"But not how we want her." Hoseok snarls.

"That doesn't matter." Seokjin growls at him. "The important thing is, is that if Namjoon decides to transform her, of which the chance is very likely, than we can't go back to the Celestial Realm."

"That is not the point!" Jimin yells. "Me, Hoseok. We are in a pact with her! This hurts us more than any of you!"

"That's unfair." Taehyung snarls, baring his sharp fangs.

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