Namjoon's Kryptonite

79 4 8

Chosen Choice:
I. Go lingerie shopping with Jimin

Chances of Dialog:

"Namjoon's weakness is the neck, trust me."

"I'm gonna get a boner..."


I look at Jimin. It's a little awkward, but I'd rather get it over with. Jimin smiles at me, nodding.

"Let's get the awkward thing over with first." I say softly. "Just so I can match my clothes with it."

Namjoon's face flushes red and he coughs and looks away. I smile at him.

"Don't worry. I'll be careful. I don't want Jimin to get tempted."

"I'll get tempted in whatever you wear." Jimin smirks. "So let's go."

Namjoon grabs his collar, growling at him. "Touch her once inappropriately and I will kill you."

"Don't worry." Jimin smirks. "I won't touch your queen."

"You better not."

Hoseok smiles at me and shrugs. I smile back and take Namjoon's hand. "Let's go."

Jimin and I part from the group when we get to the mall, but I kiss Namjoon goodbye and he smiles at me, telling me he's going to look for the dresses to get an idea of what he wants.

Jimin knows every shop.

Every. Shop.

"Come on! Let's go!"

I have to admit that I'm a little nervous, but out of all the people I could ask for this, Jimin is the right person.

I should be worried that Jimin and Hoseok joined the Devildom when they could have gone back home.

I want them to go home, but do I want to give my life up for them?

"Jaein! Jaein! Isn't this cute?" Jimin hops towards me with a pair of clip-on cat ears. "It's also very kinky! Two benefits in one!"

"Is Namjoon really into that?"

"He's more of a hardcore guy, I think. He's Wrath, he must have some aggressive sex, right? I would let him fuck me." Jimin giggles.

"You're brothers! That's gross!" I whine, pouting and snatching the ears from him.

They're cute though.

Jimin shrugs. "So what? It's not like he can impregnate me. If I was a girl it would have been a problem, but I'm a handsome horny demon." He grins, cocking his hips to the side.

I giggle at his attitude. "Come on. Pick something, I really want to see what everyone else has too!"

Jimin smiles. "Do you want something Namjoon likes? He really likes black and green like his possession. He likes a bit loose, something the person feels comfortable with wearing without being embarrassed and yet confident since he's a bit shy when it comes to the actual situation."

I nod slowly, taking the information.

"Choose something."

Jimin grins, running around and I see him moving faster than I ever have before. He picks multiple sets in different colors and eventually lands on two kinds.

"You wanted to be quick so I got'cha these! Come on! Fit them!"

He pushes me into the fitting rooms with the clothes and I'm a little flustered.

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