Seokjin's Home Feeling

81 7 2

Chosen Choice:

III. Try and get another memory to spill by Yoongi

Chances of Dialog:

Is it any of your concern if I am or am not alright?!"

"Thank you..."


I wonder if Yoongi can hear me think. Their memories are just beautiful. Hearing Seokjin explain this memory loosened him up slightly...

Can Yoongi hear me think?

I wonder...


No answer...

Of course. Why would it be easy?

I sigh, hiding my face in the blanket. I mutter Yoongi's name as soft as I possibly can.

Hm? Anything you need?

His voice immediately chimes in, almost worried for a moment.

"Another memory?" I ask quietly in the blanket.

I hear him hum, a deep sigh coming after.

I stare at the picture, waiting for the image to morph.

You're trying to calm Seokjin?

I nod.

I know just what to show.

I smile

The picture morphs into a room. A red room with Seokjin holding a younger girl in his arms into a hug, with Yoongi besides them.

Seokjin looks sad, the girl... is bleeding.

This wasn't the picture I was expecting...

He reminds himself of this moment constantly. He feels guilty. Soothe him... for Lillith's sake.

I hesitantly pick the picture from the nightstand, shifting so that I'm facing the ceiling.

Seokjin turns slightly, I can see him looking at me from the corner of his eyes. Then his eyes fall on the picture.

He frowns. "Give it to me." He grumbles.

I hesitantly give him the photo. His hands tighten around the wooden frame but he puts it in his drawer and slides it shut.

He scowls at it for a while before running a hand through his hair and letting himself fall back on his pillow in silence.

I turn to him. I don't dare say anything. He looks conflicted, sunken into his mind and debating whether or not to talk.

Eventually he sighs deeply. "Go back to sleep."

"Are you alright?" I ask softly. I lay my hand on his bicep, but he pushes it away.

"I'm fine." He growls.

"I can see you're not."

"Is it any of your concern if I am or am not alright?!" He snarls at me. "I know I may look mad or angry right now, but I'm just trying to protect my brothers and you."

"By holding back from their possessions?"

Seokjin stays quiet at my remark, signing deeply. "Yes. I'm still trying to return to where I once came from. If I give into my possession, I cannot return."

"And why do you want that?" I ask softly.

I slowly shuffle myself a bit closer to him, watching him react. He doesn't.

"Look at me, Jaein..." He whimpers. "I'm a demon... A dark being. A creature that lives of the fire in someone's soul. I'm not worth my old title anymore and I respect that, but this... life... it doesn't feel like home."
He wraps his arms around himself in attempt to calm himself down, but in the corner of his eye I can see a lonely tear.

I quietly wrap my arms around him to embrace him in a hug. "Will any place ever be? Yes, home may be far away, but it'll always be different. Either something moved or someone changed. Nothing will ever feel like home if you don't accept it. I like this place, Jinnie."

I don't know why I called him that, that was so stupid!

He chuckles quietly. "I suppose... But it'll never be for me. No matter what I do. I must live this life as punishment for the sin I've committed. It's who we are now... But I can't accept it. I can't accept me for who I am now... I'm not handsome, I'm not generous, I'm not pure. I'm no longer an angel..."

His words are somber, sad, and gloomy, the lonely tear finally escaping his hurting eye.

"Angel or not, I like you for you."

"No one can fucking like me like this." Seokjin growls. "I hate this. I hate myself..."

What should I say?


I. "Even if you hate yourself, I'll love you."

II. "I suppose some things never change."

III. "You're unique in your own way."

IV. "Sometimes a downfall helps you up."

V. "Times will change with this."

VI. "If you hate yourself I'll hate myself too."

VII. "Let me show you that you can love yourself the way your brothers do."

Seven options. Each one of for a different demon. Choose the option and find out who loved it in the stats next chapter.

🖤 = neutral
💚 = Namjoon
💜 = Jungkook
💙 = Yoongi
💛 = Hoseok
❤ = Seokjin
💗 = Jimin
🍔 = Taehyung


37% friendship
20% affection

55% friendship
45% affection

50% friendship
60% affection

45% friendship
50% affection

40% friendship
40% affection

20% suspicion
10% friendship

30% friendship


If you make a pact with a demon, their stats will be reset to 50% affection and 50% friendship. Everything higher than that will be lost.

Be careful who you choose to pact with.

Suspicion and hatred will disappear fully at the pact.

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