Chapter 14

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She wrapped her lace scarf around me and plopped her beach hat on my head, the brim of the hat blocking my vision.

I laughed and ran after her, pushing the hat up farther on my head.

She danced and laughed, singing a song with her sandals in one hand, twirling and waving the other in the air.

The cold sea spray pricked my skin but I didn't care. I mocked her dance moves, twirling my hands in the sky, laughing and singing the same melody.

I looked back at her, smiling. She winked, stepping back and acting as if she was taking pictures with a muggle camera.

She stepped back as if to get a better angle. In a split second, her face dropped.

I looked down to see her foot on the edge of the rocks and she teetered back and forth.

I sprinted forward, desperately grabbing at her hand. She clawed my arms, trying to regain her balance for at least a second.

But it was no use. I saw the panic growing in her eyes and her grey eyes went wide in horror.

I looked around desperately for her wand but it was at least 200 feet away, laying with our blankets.

She fell back, an ear splitting scream escaping her mouth as her face disappeared over the edge.

I jolted awake, immediately sitting up in my bed. I breathed as quietly as I could, trying to steady my heart beat.

I sighed, flopping on my back. I waited for sleep to crawl back to me but nothing happened. I just sat there, staring at the ceiling.

I rolled out of bed and immediately noticed that I was still wearing my clothes from yesterday. I went down to the common room and snuck past people who had crashed on the couches.

I went down the stairs of the astronomy tower and tried not to snicker as I passed Filch who was asleep in a chair.

I wandered down the hall, slowly making my way to The Great Hall. As I watched the paintings sleep, I ran into something hard. I fell to the floor hard, ready to either cuss someone out or run.

I stared down the empty hallway, although there was definitely someone muttering to themselves.

"What the bloody hell..." I muttered, reaching a hand out.

My hand brushed against something silky and I pulled it back quickly, realising that it was an invisibility cloak.

"You have an invisibility cloak?" I gasped, still unsure of who I was talking to. "That's wicked!"

No reply.

I wasn't sure if the person had left or if I was just mad. But I reached forward, a burst of thrill going through me when I felt the fabric, and pulled.

The fabric fell and a ruffled boy was revealed. It took me a moment to register his face but I realised it was Harry.

"Harry?" I said in surprise, "Why are you up?"

"Why are you up?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Mm, " I shrugged. "You've got a point."

"Aye, cut the banter and get outta here." A painting of an old man sleeping in a chair barked, "Some of us are trying to sleep."

I looked at the painting before looking back at Harry, trying not to laugh. A smile grew on his face that he was obviously trying to hide.

"I should really be going," I whispered, handing his cloak back to him, "Talk to you later, yeah?"

He smiled and nodded. "Yeah."

I turned around and bounded up the stairs, back to the tower. I knocked on the knocker and it immediately lectured me about being out past curfew.

"Just shut up and give me the damn riddle." I sighed, drowsiness suddenly overcoming me.

What is a room no one can enter?

"An empty one."

The door swung open and I crept inside, up to my room and back into bed.


I sat at the table, a little ways away from a group of girls. I read over the stupid daily prophet, mouthing the ridiculous words to myself.

'However, Miss Granger doesn't seem to be the only one chasing after boys. Young Miss Fawley has taken a particular liking to Champion Cedric Diggory, a wonderful choice indeed. Although it hasn't been confirmed yet, I'm sure we will be hearing more about the couple shortly.'

I looked up from the paper when I heard the group of girls giggling madly. I followed their gazes to see Harry smiling at them. He took a drink of his drink and spit it out on the floor.

I snickered, catching his attention. I pointed to my mouth and mouthed 'You have a little something there.'

He laughed, wiping his mouth. Hermione slammed a newspaper down next to him, causing him to turn away.

"Ooh, tout ça c'est à propos de quoi?" Fleur sat down next to me, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Je lui parlais juste." I scoffed.

"What are you two talking about?" Hera asked as she and Elijah sat down.

"Y/n is crushing on Harry." Fleur teased.

"I don't like him," I rolled my eyes, nudging her side. "Just because I talk to him, doesn't mean I like him. I talk to Elijah everyday, I don't like him. "

You seem to be trying very hard to convince yourself that you don't like him." Elijah laughed.

"Oh, piss off." I tried to hide my laughter, "Have you read this?"

I handed him the prophet, trying to change the subject.

"Taken a liking to?" He looked up at me after reading the article, "Wow, you really are after all the boys."

I snatched the paper from him. "Merlin, you really are obnoxious."

"Well, at least you're not the only." Fleur jabbed her thumb across, pointing to Hermione who was shouting at Harry and Ron.

"She seen it then I take it?" I sighed.

"Dude, she's been pissed all day." Elijah rolled his eyes.

"I understand why." I shrugged, "Rita Skeeter has always awful. My father calls her 'a sell out that has nothing better to do then start drama that no one cares about.'."

"Harsh." He said, stuffing a potato in his mouth.


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