Chapter 61

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I sat at the head of the Ravenclaw table, next to Terry Boot who was Head Boy. I had just got done greeting our new Ravenclaws and we were waiting for Dumbledore's speech.

Some of the first years were whispering amongst each other, looking at me. Apparently word had gotten out about my father on the train, more specifically, his blood purity tendencies. The first years seemed frightened to approach me, even though I was the one who had given the welcome speech.

I looked around the Great Hall, hoping to catch a glimpse of Harry among the other Gryffindors. He was no where to be found, and I could see from across the hall that Hermione, Ron, and Ginny were stressed about it.

I also felt eyes burning into me. I looked over, Hera catching my eye before she quickly looked away. She was sitting with two kids I had never seen before, which is strange considering I knew basically everyone in our house.

There was a girl with golden hair and big eyes, and a smile full of perfectly whitened teeth. The boy on Hera's other side was extremely tall, his head sticking out over his peers and his just as golden hair hung over his eyes. They were obviously twins, you could tell by the way they mirrored every action. They ate, talked, sat, and laughed the same way.

The two weren't the only unrecognisable ones, Hera herself looked very different. Hera's long black hair had been replaced by a short platinum bob and she seemed a lot tanner. Her smile had also disappeared, unless she was specifically talking to one of the twins.

Hera's hair had taken me aback. How does one's hair change so drastically? And perfectly? I had never seen a charm or jinx that changed hair colours so permanently and flawlessly.

A bit of disruption interrupted my thoughts as I saw Harry walk into the Great Hall. He was holding a bloodied cloth to his equally bloody nose, and he kept his head down as he made his way to his friends. He didn't look at me when he sat down.

Ginny was talking to him before she put a hand on the side of his face, using her other hand to wipe his face with the cloth.

I clenched my jaw, looking back to the podium as Dumbledore began to stand.

"Very best of evenings to you all." Dumbledore greeted.

"First off let me introduce our newest addition to our staff, Horace Slughorn." The professor stood up as everyone applauded, and he gave us a short bow. "Professor Slughorn, I'm happy to say, has agreed to assume his old post as potions master."

I caught Hermione's eye, giving he a worried look. She shrugged.

"Meanwhile, the post of the defense against the Dark Arts will be taken by Professor Snape."

I bit the inside of my cheek.

"As you know, each and every one of you was searched upon your arrival here tonight. And you have the right to know why. Once, there was a young man who, like you, sat in this very hall, walked this castle's corridors, slept under its roof. He seemed to all the world a student like any other. His name was Tom Riddle."

I took a few short breaths, a know forming in my chest. Students around me started to murmur and I tried to shush them even though my chest was rising and falling rapidly.

"Today of course he's known all over the world by another name. Which is why, as I stand looking out upon you tonight, I'm reminded of a sobering fact: Every day, every hour, this very minute perhaps, dark forces attempt to penetrate this castle's walls." He said.

"But in the end their greatest weapon is you."

He stepped down from the podium and people applauded hesitantly. I looked at Elijah as I clapped.

"What the fuck?" I mouthed.

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