Chapter 20

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I trudged up the stairs to my room, holding my heels in one of my hands. I pushed open the door as quietly as I could, not wanting to wake up the other girls.

I grabbed a tshirt and shorts and went to the bathroom. I struggled with my dress but eventually got it off, relieved to be in regular clothes again.

I let down my hair and sat down on my bed. I zoned out, mindlessly braiding my hair.

I almost didn't notice Hera on her bed, watching me. I cleared my throat softly, trying to show her that I knew she was staring.

She didn't budge. I rolled my eyes, falling back into my bed and turning off the lights.


-2 months later-

I bounced my knee up and down, feeling worse than I had in a while. I picked at my food and yawned.

There was barely anyone in the Great Hall. Just three or four others.

I knew it was going to get bad soon and I had to muster up the courage to talk to Dumbledore, it's going to end badly if I don't.

I ate a few more bites before getting up. I rushed out of the Great Hall and turned the corner, passing Malfoy.

"Blood traitor." He muttered.

"British scum." I muttered back.

I shook my head, turning the corner again. This time, I almost bumped into Professor McGonagall.

"Oh, my apologies Professor."

"Oh that's quite alright Ms. Fawley." She smiled.

"Actually, I was meaning to talk to you." I thought for a moment, trying to think of what to say. " I need to talk to Dumbledore as soon as possible, is there any way you could help me with that?"

"Oh, yes. Follow me."

She led me to a huge statue of a griffin.

"Liquorice snaps."

The gargoyle turned around, revealing a spiral staircase. She led me up the staircase and to a huge door.

She knocked three times and the door swung open.

"I have a student here that would like to speak with you, Albus." I followed her in.

"Thank you, Minerva."

I walked into his gorgeous office and up to his desk.

"Ah, Miss Fawley. What can I do for you?" He leaned over his desk.

"Well," I rocked on my heels. "I know you are aware of what happened last year and..."

I motioned to my face. He nodded.

"Well, full moons have been really hard lately and I thought it was time to ask you if I could be excused from classes for a few days?" I wrung my hands nervously.

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