Healing Era??

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I had yet to tell Hermione about my little excursion with Dean. Besides telling Seamus no one that we knew knew. We kept it like that for our own peace of mind.

I sat at the Gryffindor table for almost every meal and no one really batted an eye. It was like everyone had their assigned spots at the table. Seamus, then Dean, me, then Hermione on one side with Ron, Neville, and Ginny on the other side with Harry sitting directly across from me.

We talked and joked and every time Dean let out a laugh he bumped my knee with his, making me have to hide my smile by taking a bite of food or pretending to yawn.

I think eventually after a few days, Hermione started to realize what was going on. She noticed the little glances at each other when someone said something funny, how we met up in the hallway after leaving the Great Hall, and how we both managed to get to class just a few moments apart from each other.

We hadn't spent anytime alone outside of classes, both of us still getting settled into the school year and I knew she didn't want to bring it up in front of Ron, or Harry for that matter.

Today though, she managed to catch me in the library before I was supposed to meet her, Ron, and Harry in their common room.

She slid in the chair across from me and I lifted my gaze from my book to look at the movement.

"Hi, Mione." I gave her a sweet smile. "How're you doing?"

"I'm doing well," She nodded. "Are you good?"

I nodded, giving her a crooked smile.

"Good," She nodded. She suddenly looked excited now that the greetings were over, "Now I have quite a few questions for you."

"Oh, Merlin," I laughed, "What is it?"

"What's with you and Dean?" She asked, leaning forward slightly with anticipation for the answer. "I know you like him but is there something actually going on?"

I bit down, trying not to let my smile show. "Okay." I sighed. When I started, she leaned forward even more, her eyes widening slightly. "We hung out on Saturday, maybe it was a date? I'm not really sure but... he kissed me."

She gasped, grabbing my hands and I had to shush her.

"What?" She whispered excitedly. "He kissed you?"

I nodded giddily.

"So are you two a thing now?"

I groaned, laying my head on the table. "I don't know."

She gave me a fake frown, "Why do you always make it complicated?"

I scoffed lightheartedly, "I don't know what you're talking about?"

"How do you not know if you're together?"

"We genuinely haven't talked about it or anything." I said, "But I want us to be together."

"You should talk to him," She urged me and I frowned at her, "Come on, just to get it over with. You like him don't you?"

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