Chapter Forty Nine

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I was riding in the back of Jacob's car on our way to Darshay's doctors appointment. Today she finds out the sex of the baby so I was hella excited! I finally get to spoil my little niece or nephew. I always wanted to become a auntie before I actually became a mother because if Jacob's child comes out bad or cry too damn much I can always give him or her back and call it a day.

"Are you excited, chunkums?" I asked Darshay, touching her belly.

"Stop touching me, Brielle! It's too damn hot." She said, shooing me away.

"Pregnant lady hormones," I mumbled. "Aww, your belly is getting bigger."

"I know," She cooed. "But wait until I after I have this baby ima' be in the gym every single day."

"Girl, bye. You know damn well you going to be hovered under your baby everyday."

"Well, since I'll have a lot of time on my hands in Mexico, I'm going to the damn gym."

"You've finally made a decision?" I squealed.

"Yeah, we talked about it last night. I told him that'll I give it a try."

"I'm so happy for you guys, seriously."

"Hopefully it's nice down there."

"When are you guys moving?"

"Well your dad wants him down there as soon as possible. We already picked out a house that we liked, but it's not going to be finished until another three months. Plus, Jacob wants to wait here until the baby is born then we'll move when she or he is three months. So, we got some time, but Jacob has to start the job in a month so a couple of weekends out of the month he has to fly down there."

"So I'm going to be able to smoother my chunkems for three whole months!?"

"Yes!" She squealed.

I giggled. "At least that's some good news. I'm sad that you're leaving me but happy that you're giving this a chance."

"I know, but I always imagined staying in California and raising my kids here. I don't want this child to not know my closest family and friends."

"He or she will know us, Darshay. I'll visit whenever I can, I'll always FaceTime and call you. My little chunkems will know me fosho' girl."

She laughed sniffling a bit. "Don't be corrupting my baby now."

"Oh hell no, Auntie Bri don't play that."

She giggled. "Thank you, Brielle. Thank you for always being here for me."

"You know I got you, boo."

"Darshay Jones." The doctor called.

"Ready?" Jacob asked, grabbing Darshay's hand.

"I know I sure am." I said, jumping up and grabbing my bag.

"Girl, sit yo' piglet ass down you ain't even carrying nobody's baby." Jacob said.

I continued walking to the back towards the many rooms. "Jacob you better leave me alone before this baby won't have a father."

"Can you two act like you have some sense just for thirty minutes? Damn y'all ugly asses staying arguing!"

"I am.. disgusted, you better talk to her before I do..." Jacob said.

"Cus ima' hurt her feelings." Jacob and I said in unison, laughing.

"I'd appreciate it if you two stayed your asses off of vine."

A Player Remade (Sequel to A Player in the Remaking)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora