Chapter Fifty

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"Chresanto." I whined, packing my bags.

"Yeah, bae?"

"I don't wanna go back to California." I pouted.

"I don't want you to go either, but you're almost done, boo. You'll be back in couple of months anyways. Go do ya' thang."

"Look at my baby, being all optimistic!"

"Shut up, pinto bean."

"Come help me pack my bags and get off off my tablet!"

"No! I'm playing a game."

"Oh my god, Chresanto. I'm never letting you come to my house ever again. You pay that dam tablet more attention than you give me."

"Stop lying, that isn't true. I give the both of you an equal amount of affection."

"Yo' bum ass be irritating me." I stated.

"Love you too," He said, playing his game. "But on a serious note I need to talk to you about something."

"Put the tablet down first then talk to me, I need all of your attention babes."

"Here, since you're jealous." He said, passing me the tablet.

"Thank you, now what are we talking about?"

"Well, the other day I was thinking about how by the beginning of May the both of us are going to be done with college."

"Yeah, isn't that exciting?"

"Yeah, it is, but I was thinking how after college, we can get our own little apartment. Just me, you, and Lani." He said.

I stopped packing my bag and looked at him. "You being serious?"

"Yeah, I'm being serious. I mean we don't have to move in together right away, but I don't want us to have our own place with our own privacy."

I smiled. "I would love for us to have our own place together, but don't you think that might cause some problems in our relationship?"

"No, I don't because we're always together anyways, plus it'll give us a chance to see how we both act with each other around 24/7. Do you think it's a good idea?"

"Yeah, I do. I would love to move in with you, but I don't want us to rush things. Do you think we're rushing things?"

"I don't think we're rushing things because I love you and only want to be with you every day of every week and I think that we need our own personal space."

"I'm gonna miss seeing the girls every day."

"We won't move somewhere too far, I promise."


"So that's a yes?"

"It's a yes."

Chresanto cheesed and picked me up. "You just made my day."

"That's what I'm here for, right?" I asked, kissing his cheek.

"I can't wait until we have our own place, it's going to be a lot at first but I think we can handle it."

"I think it'll be a good experience. If we don't like it then we can just move back in with our parents and wait until we are ready."

"You right, you right. Don't worry though, we'll have time to figure everything out. We'll just wait until you come back home from college and we find jobs. Everything will be good."

A Player Remade (Sequel to A Player in the Remaking)Where stories live. Discover now