Chapter Twenty

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Two weeks went by as everyone stayed mad at each other. Lola finally had her baby, Renee Nicole Lopez. She wanted to invite everyone to see her but Ray was scared because of what happened to Lola at the party. She did fall on her stomach trying to stop Jacob and Chresanto from fighting and he didn't want anything or anyone to put his baby in danger.

Meanwhile, Darshay was trying to forget about Jacob at all costs, but knew she couldn't. She was in love with that boy. She knew for a fact that he was her baby's father but if he didn't want anything to with their baby than she won't push it any farther.

Daniel has been happy, very happy. He was in love with Aniya but at the same time he had love for November. He already knew how November felt about him but it wasn't enough for him. November was never serious about their relationship until it ended. Daniel felt sorry for her but at the same time he wanted to feel happy for once.

Chresanto was on his mission to make things better. He wasn't sitting around wishing things could get better like everyone else was trying to do. He was actually going to fix it his self.

Not to much has been going on with Carina and Craig. Carina did feel as if that their relationship wasn't as strong as it use to be. He barely texts her anymore, calls every once in a while and when they hang out he acts like he doesn't want to be with her anymore. Only time can tell...


It was time for me to make this shit right between Jacob and I, foreal foreal. I know he wants to beat the shit out of me for what Darshay and I did but that's not going to stop me from trying to make amends. We've been through everything together. When I mean everything, I mean everything. Darshay might have been there for some of it but she hasn't been through it with us. Bro's before hoes, right?

"What are you doing here?" Brielle asked, setting her hands on her hips.

"Jacob knows I'm here." I replied, walking inside her house.

I walked up the staircase and knocked on the door three times, one time, then two times. When Jacob comes to my house this is the knock he uses before he walks in and vice versa.

"Hey, Jacob." I said, sitting down on the edge of his bed.

"I just want to know how you guys started. That's all." He said, playing with his fingers.

I rubbed my head then began. "It all started in ninth grade. My cousin had a house party all the way by San Diego. I didn't know she would be there but her cousin was my cousins best friend. We were just talking at first then we started drinking and since we weren't use to holding our liquor, after one cup we were done, practically wasted. I didn't know what I was doing that night but when I woke up the next morning both me and Darshay woke up naked in the same bed. This was also the weekend you told me that she said yes to being your girl. I wanted to tell you so bad, man I felt so bad. I wanted to tell you but Darshay begged me to not tell you so I didn't. She kept coming back to me every once in a while asking for sex and I gave in until she asked for sex once me and Brielle started going out and I said no. I stopped it all, bro. I know I should've stopped it earlier, man. I'm just so sorry you ended up finding out like this."

"Are you telling me the truth, Chresanto?" He asked me, running his fingers through his hair.

"I swear on my life I am, Jacob."

He sighed. "I believe, you should have just told me early. I was in love with this girl, man. I still am. Maybe I wouldn't have took it so hard if I would've know earlier. I just can't believe that I had to find out by a drunk friend after two years."

A Player Remade (Sequel to A Player in the Remaking)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt