Chapter Thirty Seven

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Man, Brielle was leaving in a week and she was trying to avoid me at all costs. She always wanted to start a argument over everything. When I mean everything, I mean everything. It was getting annoying and old as hell. I didn't want her to leave on bad terms with me. I hated arguing with her. We did enough of that bullshit in our past relationship.

"Brielle, can you pass me the remote?" I asked. We were sitting in the living room watching TV. My mom took Keke, Lani, and Christy to the zoo so we were all alone. Usually, we would be snuggled up but we were both sitting on opposite sides of the couch.

"Here." She said, throwing the remote at me.

"Brielle." I said.


"Why are you acting like this?"

She snarled. "What am I acting like, Chresanto?"

"Like that! You've been avoiding me this past week and you've been giving me so much attitude. Why?"

"I don't know, Chresanto. I'm just not in the mood I guess."

"No, you do know, Brielle. Be truthful."

She sighed. "You want me to be hundred percent truthful?"

"Of course, bae," I said pulling her into my lap. "What's bugging you?"

She rested her head on my chest. Shit, I knew this was about to be some deep shit. "I just don't want to leave you. I'm scared that if I leave you'll find someone else and do what Christopher did to me. I'm still hurt by him, Chresanto and I don't want that to happen to me again. That's why I'm trying to avoid you so I won't miss you as much when I go to New York."

That got me a little heated. "I'm not going to do what Christopher did to you, Brielle and you know that."

"I don't know that, Chresanto. I don't know what's going to happen in the future. You can tell me all this bullshit now but how do I know you're really going to stick to it?"

I stood up from the couch. "Man, you always doing this shit. Why can't you trust me for once? Isn't that what a relationship is built off?"

"Do you not remember what you did to me in high school, Chresanto!?" She yelled. "I still can't trust your ass from then! Plus, you cheated on me with my best friend that I'm now finding out about four fucking years later and you want me to trust you!? Cut the bullshit, Chresanto!"

"It was four fucking years ago, Brielle!" I screamed. "Four. Fucking. Years! I was a child back then! I'm a grown ass man now!"

"No you're not Chresanto you're still the little childish ass boy from four years ago! You haven't changed for shit!"

I stood there shocked. Did she really just say that? "I haven't changed Brielle, really? Who was fucking there for you when your busted ass boyfriend didn't give a shit about you? Whose shoulder were you crying on then? Do you see me going around fucking other bitches? Do you even hear shit about me fucking around with other people? Fuck no because I been loyal to your ass and for you to even still think of me in that way hurts! It fucking hurts but I guess you wouldn't care because you're the same selfish little girl that I was so in love with four years ago."


"No, don't Chresanto me. What are you even in this relationship for? It's obvious that you don't trust me and think that I'm going to betray you. What are you doing all of this for?"

She stood there for a few seconds just staring at me. I stood at her back, she knew I could do this all day.

But all of a sudden, she started cry. I was so confused. She was just cussing me out a minute ago and no she's crying?

A Player Remade (Sequel to A Player in the Remaking)Where stories live. Discover now