Chapter Forty One

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It's only been a week since I started school and I'm already busy as hell. From school, to work, then catering to Jacob is kicking my ass. Plus, I'm getting bigger and bigger each day so I've been getting insecure. These are the moments where I wish that November and Brielle were here by my side comforting me or making me laugh. I miss my best friends.

"Are you okay?" Jacob asked, sitting at the foot of my bed staring at me.

I nodded my head. "Yeah, I just miss Brielle and November. That's all."

He nodded. "I understand, but Darshay we need to talk."

"About what?" I asked.

"I've really been think about this whole moving to Mexico thing."

"Jacob, I'm not moving to Mexico. That's the end of it."

"You didn't even let me finish."

"Why would I need to let you finish when I already know my answer?"

"C'mon, Darshay. It's a great opportunity."

"I'm not leaving all of my family and friends because it's a better opportunity."

"Darshay, you really need to think about this. Your job at the maternity store and my job at Taco Bell isn't going to cut it. When the baby gets here those checks are gonna be flying straight out the window. If we move to Mexico we'll have enough money to make it."

"We can get good jobs when we graduate college."

"The baby will already be here when we graduate. Plus, we're not guaranteed good paying jobs as soon as we get out of college."

"Jacob, you're not understanding!" I whined.

"No, you're not understanding. I'm trying to do what's right for us and our baby."

"I understand that but I can't just up and leave everyone to move to Mexico, Jacob."

He sighed. "Can you at least just think about it?"

"I'll try, Jacob but I can't promise that my answer will change."


"Lola, where's Renee?" I hollered, taking off my shoes.

"My mom took her to the park!" She yelled.

I swear if it's not November, it's Lola's mom always having my kid more then I do. Why they even at the park? Renee isn't even two months old yet she can't do shit. "When they coming back?"

"They should be coming back in a few minutes." She replied, laying down next to me on our king sized bed.

"Okay," I said, resting my head on her stomach. "What are you doing tonight?"

"Staying home with my babies." She said in a duh tone while undoing my braids.

"You're always staying at home with us. Why don't you go out tonight?"

"Please, I don't think you can handle Renee by yourself for a couple of hours."

"Yes I can."

"Yeah, okay but I'd rather stay home. I'm so tired."

"From what?"

"Renee, she acts like a little brat when you're gone. I swear she stay making stank faces at me."

"Because she likes her daddy more then you."

"Y'all act just alike. Both of y'all got attitudes."

"Mhm, whatever. Don't worry though, I'm off from work this whole entire week."

"Good, get ready to start walking up at four am when Renee is crying so I can sleep in."

"I sure will, anything for my princess."

"Speaking of work, I think I'm well enough to go back in."

"Why? You know you don't have to work. I make just enough money for us to stay comfortable."

"Because I get bored here at home. I need something to do."

"If you go to work whose gonna watch Renee?"

"There's a daycare down the street, Rayan."

"Oh hell nah, what type of crack is you smoking on? All these crazy ass people and you wanna send our newborn baby to daycare where she can't even speak yet? You got the game all fucked up."

"Well damn, you ain't have do all that with yo' ratchet ass. I can just ask my mother to watcher her then."

"Nah, she already has her enough. Why don't you just stay with her. You are her mother."

"I know that, Rayan but what I'm not gonna do is spend my whole entire life locked up in this house."

"End of discussion, girl." I said, closing my eyes getting ready to fall asleep.

"Whatever, Rayan. We'll talk about this later."


"I miss you." I said, talking to Craig on FaceTime.

"I miss you too, baby."

"How's everything going down there?"

"Good, this work has been kicking my ass though."

"Aww, my poor baby."

He chuckled. "You starting off your last year right, right?"

"Yeah, I wish it would hurry up though."

"Girl, you better be grateful of all of them free books and shit while you can."

I laughed. "I'll try."

"Ayo, Craig! You tryna go out tonight? We're going downtown!" I heard in the back.

"No thanks, man. Ima stay on the phone with my girl. I'll catch up with y'all next time."

"Why do you go with the boys?" I asked.

"Because I haven't talked to you all week. I can hang with them later."

I smiled. "I love you so, baby."

"I love you too."

"My mom is about to come home and I promised her that I'd have my homework finished by time she gets here. I'll call you when I'm done."

"Okay, don't forget."

"I won't, bye my love."


I smiled and cupped my hands around my face. Craig is so perfect to me. Yeah, we've had our ups and definitely our downs but we're on the right track at the moment.

"You was on the phone with Craig, huh?" My mom asked, appearing in front of the door.

"Dang, ma! I thought you weren't gonna be home until later."

"Yeah, I wasn't but I my boss let me go early. How's everything?"

"Great, I'm about to start my homework now. I just took a little break and called Craig."

"As long as that homework gets done."

"It will, mommy. I promise."

"So, how are you and Craig doing?" She asked, sitting her purse down.

"We're doing great. I know that at first I didn't like the whole dating thing since you were a sophomore and he was a senior, but now I'm glad that you'r dating him. You've been doing so much better in your classes and I can see that he's making you a better person."

"He really is, ma. I swear he's changed me for the better."

"Keep it up, girlfriend!"

I laughed. "I will."

"Alright, I gotta go finish my paper for my class."

"Okay, bye bye."

A Player Remade (Sequel to A Player in the Remaking)Where stories live. Discover now