Chapter Eleven

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"Why haven't you been answering my phone calls?" I asked Christopher as he stepped inside his apartment.

"I'm sorry, bae. My phone died a few hours ago." He said, taking his shoes off.

"I hate when you do that." I whined.

"I'm sorry, baby," he said, wrapping his arms around me. "Don't be mad at me, okay?"

"Okay." I muttered.


"I promise."

"Okay, good. Go get the popcorn ready and I'll pop the movie in." He said.

"Extra butter, right?" I asked, standing up.

"You know how I like it, boo."

I stepped into the kitchen and climbed on to the counters to reach the tall wooden cabinets. Ugh, being short is a pain in the ass sometimes!

I grabbed the box of popcorn and and popped a bag right into the microwave. I melted some butter and grabbed some salt to add to the popcorn.

"Are you starting the movie?" I asked Christopher. I handed him the bag of popcorn and a Sprite.

"Yeah, all I gotta do is press play." He responded, eyes glued to his face and all.

"Well start it now." I said, wrapping myself in the big blanket spread across the couch.

"The remote is right beside you."

I rolled my eyes. Christopher can be do damn dysfunctional! It don't make no damn sense.

"Are you going to watch the movie, Christopher?" I asked. It's been almost half an hour and his eyes are glued up his phone.

"I'm watching it, Brielle." He mumbled.

"Who are you texting that's so important that you can't even sit and watch a movie with me?"

He groaned. "Don't we watch movies all the time? It's not that serious."

"Let me go to sleep before I cuss your ass out." I replied, throwing my hair in a bun and walking into Christopher's room.

I changed into one of Christopher's t-shirts that was a little big on me. I turned on the TV and watched episodes on My Strange Addiction.

About two hours later, Christopher stepped into his room and turned the light on. I squinted my eyes and cursed him out under my breath. I swear he's gonna make me cut his ass one day.

After changing, he turned the lights on and flopped into me wrapping his arms around me.

"I love you, Brielle." He mumbled against my skin.

"Sure you do." I snapped.

He kissed his teeth. "Stop playing, Brielle. While you're at it get rid of that little attitude of yours."

"First of all, I don't know what type of love you've been showing me lately, Christopher. You've been distant as hell lately and I'm starting to question it and if any one here has an attitude it should be me."

"You always complaining about something that isn't even important."

"Spending time with me is important because I'm your girlfriend. I don't ask to be around you every second of every day but the times that we are together you can't even give me your undivided attention."

"I'm giving you attention now! Damn, just stop complaining."

"Fuck you, Christopher. Maybe if you were a good boyfriend I wouldn't have to complain."

A Player Remade (Sequel to A Player in the Remaking)Where stories live. Discover now