Chapter Twenty Seven

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The flight to Mexico was scheduled to take off in about a week. Me, Chresanto, Jacob, Daniel, Aniya, Carina, Craig, Ray, Lola, November, and Tre were going so far. I wasn't able to get in contact with Darshay just yet. I wanted to make up with her and be friends again but a part of me was saying that it's better off not being friends. I kind of feel bad for Jacob because he's been acting a little weird lately since his breakup with Darshay. Darshay was practically his backbone. Without out her, there was no him. Sometimes, I wish that I would've never thrown that party. If I haven't, Darshay, November, and I would probably be somewhere shopping for baby clothes and Darshay and Jacob would be happy. Slowly, things are going back to normal but without one crew member, it's just not the same.

Jacob gave me the name of the place that Darshay worked at in the mall. I looked at one of the many maps in the mall and found my way going up the escalator to the third floor. I walked around twice before I found the little store near Bath and Body Works. I quickly prepared myself for the best, and the worst. Who knew what I should be expecting? There is still anger inside of me because of what happened. I'm scared that I'm going to pop off like last time and do something that I might regret but there's no going back now. I have to get this done.

I opened the door and cringed as the bell above the door rung. Those bells annoy the hell out of me.

"Welcome to Merdiths Maternity Store! How may I help you today?" One of the employee's asked me.

I smiled. "I'm actually not ready to buy anything, yet," I replied, "But, is one of your employee's by the name Darshay here?"

"Darshay!" The employee yelled.

"What?" I heard her yell back.

"Come out here, someone is here to see you."

My heart started beating fast and my hands were sweating. I didn't eactly have a reason to be nervous but I was.

"Brielle..." Darshay said, looking down at her black combat boots.

I looked at her a little and noticed the tiny baby bump that she had. It was barely noticeable. You would think that she had a little chub on her but since I've known her for years, I could tell it was a baby bump. Darshay was one of the star female softball players in high school. Her stomach was always flat and toned. "Hey, Darshay. Do you have a minute?"

"Um, actually I do. I was just about to go on my lunch break."

"Well I would like to talk to you about things if you can fit me into your schedule."

She nodded her head. "Sure, let's go down to the food court. I'll be back in a hour, Katy."

"Okay, Darshay. Bye, Darshay's friends." Katy said.

"My name is Brielle, by the way. You may be seeing me around here a bit. It was nice meeting you though."

"How is the baby?" I asked Darshay. We were now sitting down at a table talking over some salad.

"Him or her is doing well." She replied.

"How many months are you?"

"Almost three." I nodded my head. "Wow, you're getting you're getting up there."

"Yeah, I know."

I sighed. "Look, Darshay. What happened that day at the party... I just want to forget about it. I miss having my best friend with me at all times. I miss going out with you and doing different things and most importantly, I don't want to miss seeing my niece or nephew growing. If I could, I would go back and time and not even have planned that party."

"It's none of your fault, Brielle. I'm the one who cheated, I'm the one who was being the bad friend, and I'm the one who wasn't being loyal. Trust me, I want to be best friends again too. I miss you and I miss November. Going through this pregnancy alone is hell. When I first got pregnant, all I did was dream of all of us shopping till we ran out of money for the baby. Forgetting about this situation would be the best for me. The best for all of us."

"I agree about the shopping till we ran out of money thing," I said, giggling a little. "But foreal, how about we just forget all of this that happened and try to make things normal again. I'm tired of all of this drama."

"You're not the only one tired of the drama! I would love to forget about all the drama and make things normal again."

I smiled. "Give me a hug, mama!"

"I can't believe we're friends again. I didn't think this would happen anytime soon."

"Me either, but when you don't give up on strong friendships. Thanks to November for that quote." I said, giggling.

"How is November doing, by the way?"

"She's doing better than she has been doing. I can say that she does look very happy."

Darshay signed. "This whole entire time, I've been blaming November about ruining my life, my family when I should've been blaming myself. She didn't do anything but tell everyone the truth which you all deserved to know. I'm the one who fucked up my life."

"I know, it sucks but hey, shit happens. I guess fairy tales don't last forever."

"You got that right because being with your brother was a damn fairy tale."

I smiled. "Hopefully one day you guys get back together. You guys had a strong relationship."

"Yeah, me too but right now I think we're both good on just being focused about the baby. We can work on ourselves later if he wants too. If he doesn't, I'll just have to deal with it."

"I hear you, I'll keep you two in my prayers but changing the subject, my dad is paying for the whole crew to come down to Mexico for about a week in the half and we're leaving next week. I know this is kind of short notice but would you like to come? Everyone is going to be there and it just wouldn't be the same without you there."

"I'm pretty sure everyone hates me, Brielle."

"I promise you, they don't. Just come, Darshay. I think it will be fun and a great gateway. Please just come."

She sighed. "When are we leaving again?"

I squealed. "Next week! Please say you're coming!"

"Okay, okay, Brielle. I'll come, but promise me that it won't be any drama. None at all."

"I promise you, Darshay. Everyone is going to have a good time. No drama at all."

"Okay, this sounds like a lot of fun."

"Yes, my dad has a beach house in Cancun that he's letting us stay in. Plus there's a lot of clubs, bars, etc."

"It's not like I can drink, Brielle. Remember I'm pregnant?"

I giggled. "We'll have plenty of Shirley Temples set out for you."

"I hate you so much, Brielle." She said, laughing and swatting my arm.

"I love you too, is everything going to be fine between you and November?"

"Yeah, I'll find time this week to talk to her."

"Great!" I exclaimed, clasping my hands together. "Here we come, Cancun."

A Player Remade (Sequel to A Player in the Remaking)Where stories live. Discover now