Chapter Twenty Six

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I was walking around the mall by myself shopping for some clothes to buy for when I go to Mexico. In a couple of weeks, my father is sending me and the crew down to Mexico for a week to spend with him and his family. I was excited to go since I've never been anywhere out of the country before. I was excited and nervous. What if his family doesn't like me? What if I don't like his family? I've never met them before and I haven't seen my father since my eighteenth birthday years ago. Hopefully he hasn't changed or anything.

A girl walking in front of me dropped her purse and most of the contents that was inside split out. I bent down and helped pick up some of the things that split by my feet. "Here are your- oh hi, November."

"Hello, Brielle." She said, quickly stuffing the items into her purse.

"How are you?" I asked. I didn't intend on having a conversation with her, but it would of hurt me if I didn't speak to her.

"I'm doing...better. How are you?"

"Good. I'm doing good."

"Well, it was nice catching up with you, see you around."

"Wait, November. I know things aren't peaches and cream between us but would you like to catch up? Maybe over lunch?"

"Well I have nothing better to do, why not?"

"Where do you want to eat?" I asked.

"I was thinking of some Chipotle. I have the biggest taste for it."

I nodded my head and walked to the Chipotle line with her. I kind of had a taste for it too. Ever since I've been home, I would cook more often for me, Jacob, and my mom and lay off of my regular fast food stops like McDonald's and Chipotle but why not enjoy some while I'm here?

"So how has everything been between you and Daniel?" I asked. We were now sitting down at one of the many tables in the food court.

"We're friends now which is great." She replied.

"How are you doing with the break up?"

"I'm getting over it. I'm quit happy with us being just friends."

"Look, November I'm really sorry for everything that has happened between us. I should have been more understanding then I was."

"It's fine, I'm over it now. What was in the past, I want to leave it in the past. We shouldn't be dwelling over this bullshit that could've already been resolved. Plus, I met someone new who is completely amazing and is helping me with my recovery in getting over Daniel."

"Well I'm glad that you want to move on. I really missed you and I do miss Darshay. We were really close."

"Yeah, I know. She doesn't talk to me anymore so I just left her alone. I hope her and the baby are doing alright though."

"Darshay has hurt me a lot. More than I thought a true friend ever could. I never thought that she would do that to me."

"I agree but never expect the best from the friendliest. Everyone is capable of doing something like that to you."

"Enough of this sob story bull crap. Who is your new guy?"

"You know him and he knows you. His name is Tre."

"You.. and Tre?" I asked, shocked.

She nodded his head. "He's one of my moms church friends son. We're just friends so you don't have to worry about me going behind your back with Tre like Chresanto did with Darshay."

"Trust me, me and Tre weren't really a thing. If you want him go ahead and have him. No worries at all."

"We're just friends," She said, insuring me with a smile. "How are you and Chresanto?"

"We're fine, just taking things day by day, y'know?"

"How do you think Lani is going to react if you and Chresanto start dating?"

"She already thinks we are," I said. chuckling. "She saw us in the kitchen kissing once and all of a sudden we're married according to her! She's so cute!"

"Do you think you and Chresanto would ever get on that level where you're kind of like a mother figure to her?"

"Wow... That's a hard question. I don't really want to be a mother figure to her because she has her own mother, y'know. I definately wouldn't want anyone doing that with my child so I'm not going to do that with her. If me and Chresanto ever get on that level, I just want to be there for her. Someone that she knows is there for her through thick and thin."

November smiled. "Do you think that you and Chresanto would ever get on a serious level?"

"I mean, he talks about it everyday,"I said laughing. "I know that I'm ready to settle down and be happy for once so maybe. Chresanto says he's changed and so far I believe him. He's really showing me that he's changed from high school."

"Then why don't you date him already? He's become a good guy, Brielle."

"I'm just scared."

"Scared of what?"

"I'm scared of being in a relationship. It's like when I give a guy my all I get nothing back in return. Chresanto did me so dirty in high school, and I know I had my share of dirt too but I just don't want to get my heart broken again. Out of all the guys who've I dated I can't say that one of them has been loyal to me like I've been loyal to them."

"I understand but to move on with your life you have to forgive and forget, Brielle. This is the real world. People are going to hurt you from left to right no matter who you are. Unless you forgive and forget you're not going to move on with your life being happy. Happiness is key to a good life and if you don't have happiness, you simply wont have a good life."

"You're right, November. Happiness is key to life. Thanks for the advice, November. I think I needed something like that to get to think about the decisions I've been making lately."

"No problem, girl. You know I'll be here through thick in thin. No matter what happens between us you'll always be my best friend. I hope you remember that."

"You don't have to tell me, November. You'll always be my best friend too. I guess best friends go through some troubles sometimes."

"Of course they do but only the real best friends stay best friends through it all."

I smiled. "I know this is kind of soon, but my dad is paying for the whole crew out to Mexico for a week and I was wondering if you would like to come. You can invite Tre too if you want."

"Your dad is paying for all of us? Oh my Lord, that must be a fortune."

"Well he bought the plane tickets with some pesos so it's cheaper," laughed. "But seriously, you should come. Everyone is coming. Jacob, Lola, Ray, Carina, Craig, Chresanto, Daniel, Aniya, you, me and hopefully Darshay. I think all of us could use a vacation after all of this drama that has been happening."

"Of course I would go!" She cheered. "Oh my gosh, I can't wait! I missed all of you guys it's not even funny."

"Yes, this trip will be nothing but good vibes, I promise."

"I need to buy so many things to take with me to Mexico! Do they have clubs down there? I need to buy me some more dresses!"

"Of course they have clubs. I don't think it would be Mexico without clubs! Let's get some shopping done now, though. That's what I initially came here for."

"Well shit, let's go!"

"Where do you want to head first?" I asked, picking up my purse.

"Forever 21, duh! Sales girl, think sales!" She yelled.

"I laughed. "November?"


"We're best friends forever."

"Always and forever."

A Player Remade (Sequel to A Player in the Remaking)Where stories live. Discover now