Chapter Fourty Two

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Oh my god, I miss Chresanto so much. I don't see how I'm going to get through this year without him by my side. It's only been about two weeks but I miss him like crazy. Of course I miss my mama, Jacob, and the crew but it doesn't compare to missing your lover.

"Girl if you don't get your ass up and stop pouting!" My roommate, Kenya, yelled whacking me with a pillow.

"Ow, Kenya!" I groaned. "Why are you always being so mean?"

"Because you've barely left this damn dorm ever since you got her. I know you homesick and shit but, this ain't the time to be."

I chuckled. "Leave it to Kenya to try and make me feel better." I air quoted.

"Whatever, anyways, since you seem to be so stuck up Chresanto's ass tell me something about him. I didn't really get to know him that one time I came to California."

I smiled crept on my face hearing his name. "What do you wanna know about him?"

"How'd y'all meet?" She asked, sound quit interested.

"We've always knew each other through my brother. They've been best of friends since I could remember. We use to be childhood friends until I grew a little crush on him in the beginning of high school, but you know how boys get once they get to high school. They think they're the shit, they could have any girl, and didn't care about your feelings so I grew mad at him. He would always pay attention to those girls who would just throw their pussies at him instead of me so, I cut my feelings off and hated him with a passion."

"Damn, Brielle I didn't know you could be such a cold-hearted bitch."

I rolled my eyes. "Back to my story. Once I actually started being nice to him I saw a whole different side of him. He was nice, goofy, and caring, but you know hoes always got to get in the way of something. I guess he was still in his player phase and I wasn't with it so after not even a week of dating, I broke up with him. Girl, when I tell you this fool broke my heart, he broke it."

"What made you forgive him?"

"Seeing him after three whole years just did something to me. When I came back he had a child and everything, girl. I don't know why but I just couldn't keep myself away from him. He was saying the right things, doing the right things, and everything was going perfect."

"Damn, that's some story."

I chuckled. "Yeah, these couple of years have been a roller coaster with Chresanto but I'm glad I stayed. He just better not turn out like Christopher or I'll beat his ass."

"Girl please. Christopher was a hot ass mess from the beginning. I have a good feeling about this Chresanto guy."

"Me too, Kenya. Me too." I smiled.

"Now that I got you to smile, can we go do something!?"

"What's to do in New York at nine pm?"

"Did you forget, child? New York is the city that never sleeps!"

"You're right about that."

"So, I know this really cool dude whose throwing a party down the street. Let's go and see what it's about."

"See, you're always dragging me into shit I shouldn't be doing."

"Whatever, go get changed. It doesn't start until ten so you have some time because ya' know I gotta be fashionably late."

"Whatever, ima go call Chresanto."

I pulled out my phone and clicked on the chresanto august💓👫 contact.

A Player Remade (Sequel to A Player in the Remaking)Where stories live. Discover now