Chapter Thirty Four

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Our fun time in Mexico ended a few days ago. It was such an amazing vacation, but I was glad to be home. I had a good time and a bad time in Mexico. As you know, Carina and I broke up. I thought I would take it pretty hard, but I really didn't. I was heartbroken for a day or two but soon got over it. She looked happier too so I guess she was also taking it pretty well. Plus, I was starting to realize that it was for the better. Carina was just to young for me. It was cool and fun when we were in high school but I'm just to old for her. I'm sure that we'll still be friends in the long run.

I parked my car in Jacob's driveway and hopped out in the humid air. I walked up the small set of stairs and knocked on the door. From the living room, I heard both Ray and Chresanto yelling at each other, probably over some damn 2k.

"Hi, Craig!" Brielle exclaimed, giving me a tight hug.

"What's good, Brielle?"

"The boys are in the living room playing 2k as usual." She said, opening the wider for me to walk in.

I chuckled. "Should've known."

"See you boys later!" Brielle yelled before grabbing her bag off the table.

"Bye." Jacob, Ray, and I yelled.

"Bye baby!" Chresanto yelled.

"Whipped." I muttered.

"Shut yo' punk ass up, Craig," Chresanto laughed, shoving me hard. "At least I still have a girl."

"Ooh." Ray exclaimed. "Damn, he comin' for you, Craig!"

"Ain't nobody taking it to the heart. I'll find somebody else for sure."

"How you taking it?"

I shrugged. "I wasn't too good at first, I mean it was three years that just went down the drain, but I guess I got to get over it. Maybe we weren't meant to be."

"Nigga, you definitely know ya'll are meant to be. You were talking about marrying the girl. Ya'll gotta get back together."

"Nah, I don't think so. Especially no time soon. I mean, she was really hurt. I just wanna give her some space."

"Thats how you lose them, once you give them their space they tend to seek love somewhere else. Once they're gone, bro, they're gone. Take it from me, it took my dumb ass three years, three hard ass years just to get Brielle back. It might take your ass three years too if you don't get Carina back now. You know how Brielle is her cousin. That petty shit is probably in thier blood." Chresanto said, laughing.

"It really fucking does." Jacob sighed.

"Maybe you're right, Chresanto. I should probably talk to her soon."

"Quick, fast, and in a damn hurry."

"I'll go to her house after I play a couple of games with ya'll," I said, picking up a controller. "It won't hurt for her to wait a little while."

A few hours later after hanging out with my boys. I drove myself over to Carina's house. I didn't know what to expect. I didn't call or text her to ask her if it was okay if I came over. I don't care though, I need to get Carina back in my life.

As soon as I thought I was getting over her, I was fooling myself. I can't get over Carina. She's the love of my life. She's been with my needy ass for three years. I'm not throwing that down the drain. If we can get through three years, we can get through another three years, and if we can get through those three years I know we can go on for eternity.

A Player Remade (Sequel to A Player in the Remaking)Where stories live. Discover now