Chapter Twenty Five

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Damn, Brielle's friend Kenya can get it any day of the week. When I said she was gorgeous, she was gorgeous. Man, I swear. If she lived in California, I would've made her mine by now.

"Hey, Jacob." Darshay said, waving to me.

I nodded my head, taking a seat a couple of chairs a way from her in the doctors office. I took my phone out of my pocket and started texting Brielle, making plans for the night. I felt Darshay staring right at me for whatever reason.

"What?" I asked looking at her.

She shook her head and wiped away a tear. "Nothing."

"Okay then." I said, going back to texting on my phone. Every single time I see her she starts crying and I really don't know why. I guess it's the hormones or whatever. But if she says it's nothing, then it's nothing.

"Darshay Jones." The tall lady from the front desk called.

I pulled my jeans up a little walking behind Darshay. I sat down in a near by chair as she shruggled getting up on the exam table I rolled my eyes, placing my rms around her hips and helping her up there.

"Thank you." She whispered, laying her purse down.

"No problem."

"Hello, hello, family!" The doctor exclaimed, walking into the room. "How are you this morning, Darshay?"

"I'm fine, Mrs. Green. Just a little morning sickness." She replied.

"And who are you? I don't think I met you before."

"I'm Jacob. The babys' father."

"Oh, well it's nice meeting you, Jacob! I'm Doctor Green."

I nodded my head. "It's nice meeting you too."

"Well let's get started," She said, looking down at the papers in her hand. "Let's start off with the regular stuff like weight and height. Come over here on the scale." She said, motioning Darshay to step on the scale. "Well, you weight 132 pounds so you've gained 3 pounds since you've been here last month. That's great progress."

"How much weight is she suppose to gain throughout this pregnancy?" I asked.

"Well, it depends. Most women don't gain much weight during the first couple of months but they should be gaining about two to four pounds per month for the first three to four months then 3-4 for the rest of their pregnancy."

"Oh, okay."

"You can sit back down so I can get you blood pressure." Doctor Green said. She pulled out that machine thingy and wrapped the cuff around Darshay's arm. "Darshay, your blood pressure is high once again."

"High blood pressure is bad for the baby, right?" I asked.

"Of course. You need to get that blood pressure under control, girly."

"What are the causes of blood pressure."

"Stress, lack of physical activity, smoking, to much salt in your diet, and much more."

I nodded my head. "We'll get this under control by time our next appointment."

"I'm glad to hear that, Jacob," She said, smiling down at me. "Let's get to the ultrasound now. I know you guys must be waiting."

I cleared my throat and stood up watching the doctor place the gel on the Darshay's stomach. I looked at her as she shivered at how cold it was. The doctor moved the probe around on her stomach. I stared at the screen as the doctor did this.

A Player Remade (Sequel to A Player in the Remaking)Where stories live. Discover now