Chapter Nine

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This nigga Chresanto actually thought that I wouldn't take my child away from him. If he wants to be in love with anyone now, he sure can but my child isn't going to be apart of it. I carried her in my stomach for nine months not Chresanto. He better go sit it down.

"Mommy why awe we packing?" Lani asked me spilling someone of her toys into one of the many suitcases that I had bought earlier.

"We're going on a vacation, baby." I replied, stacking the neat clothes into another suitcase.

"Ooh!" She squealed. "To where?"

"We're going to Aunt Linda's. You're going to meet her for the first time."

"Does she like me?"

"Of course she does! You're going to meet all of your other cousins too. Some of them are around your age."

"Do they have playgrownd?"

"They have a lot of playgrounds and a lot of pools and a lot of other stuff that I know you'll like."


I chuckled. Chresanto can't take my pride and joy away from me. Ever.

I finished packing Lani's and my bags for tomorrow. We'll be taking the first train out of California early in the morning. I hid all of the bags in the hall closet downstairs behind the boxes so no one would see them.

"Lani, baby come here!" I yelled from Chresanto and my room. Well, just Chresanto's room now.

"Yes, Mommy?" Lani questioned, walking into the room with a Barbie doll in her hand.

"Daddy doesn't need to know about our little trip, okay? It's our secret."

"Aw, man! I wanna tell Daddy so bwad!"

"It's a surprise for Daddy. You can't tell him or else you'll ruin it."

"Well okay!"

"You have to pinky promise me." I said, holding my pinky out towards her.

Her small little pinky tightened around mine. I smiled. "That's my girl."


Early today, I texted Brielle asking if we can meet up somewhere. She texted me back, said yes, and told me to meet her at Coldstone's at three. I arrived a couple minutes earlier than I was suppose to so I just sat at a table and waiting patiently for her.

A few minutes later she walking in looking beautiful as ever. Her curly red hair was in a bun and she was wearing a muscle tee, a pair of shorts, and those black Vans. Even when she wears a simple outfit she still manages to look beautiful.

"Hey, Chresanto." She greeted me. She sat down in the booth across from me.

"Hey, wanna go get some ice cream?"

"Yeah, that's sounds great." She said, picking up her wallet from off the table.

We both stood in line waiting to order. She ended up ordering Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream with crushed Snicker pieces. I order just Vanilla ice cream. Ain't nothing wrong with a little something simple.

"So what's up?" She asked as we got back to the table.

"I just wanted to see how you've been doing." I said.

"What I nice friend." She said, chuckling.

"So how are you and Christopher?" I asked her.

"Pretty good actually. He's treating me well."

A Player Remade (Sequel to A Player in the Remaking)Where stories live. Discover now