Chapter Eight

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The cold windy hair blew in Chresanto's face as he took a step outside in his backyard. He took out a crisp rolled blunt out his pocket along with his favorite Bob Marley lighter that costed him a good $20. In his eyes, it was worth it. This one light had gave him so many memories that he knew he would never forget.

The back door creaked open. Chresanto knew it wasn't his mother because she was out on a date and he knew it wasn't Christy because she hadn't arrived home yet.

"Yes?" Chresanto, asked with a sigh.

"I just wanted to know if you want me to make a plate for you." Jamie quietly said.

Chresanto shook his head no and blew smoke out of his mouth. "I'm fine, thanks for asking."

"Why don't you ever eat any of my food?" Jamie asked, taking a step out on the patio.

"I'm just not hungry, is that a problem?"

"Chresanto, I don't like this wall between us, at all. Why do you always act like this towards me?" Jamie said, eyes filling with tears, she took a seat a few feet away from Chresanto. "Remember high school? When we first met and you couldn't keep your hands off of me? What happened to that? You always told me you loved me and now you barely want to look at me!"

"You made this so called relationship like this, Jamie. You knew what was up the whole entire time. I was with Brielle and I was a fool for dealing with you."

"So what we had was a mistake?"

"If that's what you want to call it, so be it."

Tears fell from Jamie's eyes as the harsh words escaped Chresanto's mouth with no remorse. She questioned herself, 'what did I do wrong?'

"Why can't you love me like you love her? I just want to know why."

"I do love you, Jamie. You're the mother of my first child, but I'm not in love with you and I don't think I'll ever be."

"What did I do wrong?"

"You won't leave me the fuck alone, Jamie. Why can't you see that I'm in love with someone else?"

"You're in love with someone who is in love with someone else!" Jamie scoffed.

"This is none of your business," Chresanto muttered. "Worry about getting out of my house."

"That's perfectly fine, Chresanto," Jamie retorted. "Lani and I will be out by tomorrow morning."

"You're not taking Lani with you. You don't even know how to be a good mother."

"Excuse me?" Jamie asked.

"You heard me."

"Don't you ever in your fucking life tell me some bullshit like that! For one, I'm the one who had to go nine months of pure pain while you sat around and fucked every girl in California. Just because you bought diapers and formula doesn't mean shit! How many sleepless nights were you up rocking Lani back to sleep or even feeding her? I've been the best mother that I could for theses three years. Don't try telling me shit, Chresanto. Like I said Lani and I will be out of here tomorrow morning."

"You're not tak-"

"You heard what the fuck I said, Chresanto." Jamie, growled.

She stepped back inside the house and melted on the bathroom floor crying. She always asked herself why she was so in love with Chresanto when it was obvious that he didn't want her. Love hurts sometimes, right?

Meanwhile, Brielle laid in bed, thinking about some things. For one, Christopher wasn't answering her texts or calls. Ever since she came back to California she felt her relationship just going down hill and it hurt her heart. She was truly in love with Christopher but how long could her love keep their relationship standing? She felt like she was putting 110% into this relationship but Christopher was just slowly drifting away from her.

Brielle sighed and got out of her bed. She opened her black long dresser and pulled out a PINK jogging suit. She grabbed her Ugg's from out her closet and threw them on feet and pulling her hair into a loose ponytail.

"Great, it's raining." Brielle mumbled, opening her front door.

She quickly ran to her car and started driving. She felt horrible that her and Christopher haven't talked for almost a week. She tried many times to call and text him but he never answered. Was he even interested in fixing there problems?

"Brielle?" Christopher asked as he saw a wet Brielle standing there outside his front door.

"Christopher, I'm sorry for whatever I did." Brielle said, tears running down her face. "Just please, please stop ignoring me."

"Come inside." Christopher said, opening the door wider for her to step in.

Christopher let Brielle change into one of his t-shirts and he calmed her down. He made her some hot chocolate which he knew was her favorite and sat out in the living room with her.

Brielle blew on the warm drink before taking a small sip from the mug. She closed her eyes and sighed.

"What brought you here?" Christopher asked.

"You weren't answering any of my calls."

"I've been really busy this week at work, I'm sorry."

"What happened, Christopher? Our relationship has never been like this, ever."

He sighed. "I don't really know."

"Are you unhappy in this relationship? Because if you are then just tell me."

"No, it's not that. I'm just frustrated."

"About what?"

"Sexually frustrated." He mumbled, fiddling with his fingers.

Brielle sighed, knowing where this conversation was leading too. "Do you love me, Christopher?"

"Of course I do. Why would you even question it?"

"Because sometimes I feel like you don't. I know that you want to have sex but I told you I had some morals."

"I know it's just frustrating sometimes but it's okay, I guess."

"Are you cheating on me?" Brielle blurted out.

The expression that Christopher wore on his face was no joke. Brielle regretted asking him because she had a feeling that she just made everything worse.

"Why would you ask me that?"

"I'm just asking. You're kind of giving me that vibe."

"Brielle, I would never cheat on you. No matter what happens I wouldn't dare. My heart belongs to you and only you and once you're ready so does my body. I'm sorry that I've been kind of distant but I promise things will get better, okay?"

Brielle smiled, feeling relieved. "That just made everything better."

"Now come here," Christopher said, opening his arms up wide. "I've missed you."

At Darshay's house, she was debating whether she should take the pregnancy test or not.

Sometime inside was telling her that the longer she waits, the worst the outcome is going to be. Brushing through her curly extensions, Darshay stoop up and weakly walked over to the bathroom. She turned on the light switch and locked the door just for extra privacy. Never in her life has she been so scared. She loved babies, of course but having her own? Nada.

Flipping through the mini booklet of instructions, Darshay was ready to go. She peed on the stick and sat it down on the counter after. For the most accurate results, she had to wait 15 minutes.

It felt like hours to her, but when he phone went off she suddenly got scared. She stared at the stick then looked away. She didn't want to read the results at all. She was to frightened too.

After a full thirty minutes of waiting, she shut her eyes and breathed in out.

Finally, she picked up the stick...

A Player Remade (Sequel to A Player in the Remaking)Where stories live. Discover now