Chapter Thirty One

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I woke up the next morning feeling like I was the man. I smiled and kissed Brielle on the forehead before I walked to the bathroom to take a morning pee, washed my face, and brushed my teeth. After all that bullshit, I walked down the staircase to fix a quick breakfast for me and the bae.

"Good morning, my love." Brielle whispered in my ear, hugging me at my waist.

"Hey, sleepy head. I thought you would still be sleep right now." I replied.

"Nah, you were gone and I thought it would be a good time to wake up anyways. I wanna go to the beach and my dad is stoping by."

"Oh, cool. Can you finish up the waffles? I wanna go FaceTime Lani. She should be up by now, it's twelve pm there."

"Okay, tell her I said hi for me. I'll be up there with the food soon."


I finished making the waffles then made both me and Chresanto a plate. To be funny and romantic, I made a heart with the strawberries. This proves that I'm a good girlfriend so far and I have nothing better to do with my life.

"Hey, are you still on FaceTime with Lani?" I whispered, setting the plates on the bed.

"Yeah. Wanna say hi?"

"Lemme see the phone," I said, reaching out for it. "Hey, Lani boo!"

"Brielle!" She shouted, smiling in the camera.

I laughed. "You're so cute."

"Thanks!" She grinned. "When are you coming back? I miss you."

"Aw, I miss you too. I'll be back in a few days, okay?"


"I promise."

"Okay, I talk to you later! Can I talk to dwaddy?"

"Of course, bye bye!" I said, handing Chresanto his plate.

I laid on the edge of the bed flipping through the channels while Chresanto stayed on the phone with Lani for a good thirty minutes. Their father-daughter relationship was so adorbale. I knew Lani was going to grow up being the biggest Daddy's Girl in the world, just like me.

"I have to go now, babygirl. Do you want me to FaceTime you later?"

"Yeah," She sighed. "Me and Gma are making cookies anyways. Bye, Dwaddy. Talk to you later."

"Is Lani alright?" I asked.

"Yeah, she just misses me."

"That's so cute." I cooed.

"Yeah, I guess." He murmered.

I felt a sudden drop in his atittude. I didn't know why but I knew something was wrong. "Babe, are you good?"


"I know your not. Tell me what's up." I said propping my head up on a pillow.

"Man, ever since Jamie brought Lani back, I've been having this feeling that she's gonna come back and try to take Lani away from me again."

"I doubt that's going to happen, Chresanto. I did so much to get Lani back to you because I know how much she means to you. If Jamie ever tried some shit like that again she was one hell of a fight."

"This is why I love you, Brielle. You actually understand that shit that goes through my head."

"It's fine boo, that's what I'm here for, but enough of this bullshit. Let's go to the beach! It looks so nice outside." I said, looking through the window.

"Yeah, it does. Should we bring the the whole crew or?"

"Yeah, but I think they're still sleeping."

"So? Let's wake they asses up." Chresanto said, smirking.

"Wait, I got something," I walked over to my suitcase and took out the whistle in the mist of my clothes. "You gotta come prepared, boo. You ready?"

"Let's go!"

We ran down the hallway and started banging on all the doors. I blew my whistle into each room as Chresanto through pillows at them. I tripped and fell on my rear end while I started laughing. Craig was first to come out of his room looking angry as hell. He charged after Chresanto while I kept laughing. Carina came charging at me but I moved which made her slip and fall. Eventually, everyone was awake trying to gang up on me and Chresanto. All the boys after Chres and all the girls after me.

"Brielle, I'm going to kill you!" Lola screamed running after me.

"I'm with her!" Aniya screamed.

I stopped running and jumped on the couch since I was so tired. That gave Carina, Lola, November and , Aniya permission to jump on me and start beating me up.

"Darshay, help me!" I screamed.

She laughed. "Oh no girl, my child is not too happy with you right now." She said, rubbing her stomach.

"Ya'll are so greasy!" I laughed out with they let me go.

"No, you and Chresanto are too damn extra. Fucking screaming around here and shit at eleven in the morning. Ya'll do to damn much." Lola screamed.

"Mad or nah?" I asked.

"I'm gonna show you mad when I slice your ass up in a second!" She yelled walking back up the stairs.

"We just wanted to wake you guys up to go to the beach with us!" I yelled after her.

"Damn, a simple wake up guys would be so hard, huh?" November asked, rubbing her temples.

I giggled. "Y'all are boring as hell,."

"What's the moves for today?" November asked, sitting in between Tre's legs.

"I wanna go to the beach!" I yelled.

"We've already been to the beach three times already," Craig complained. "We only been here for two days!"

"Well then what do you guys wanna do?"

"I wanna go to the damn strip club." Ray muttered.

"You must wanna get your ass beat!" Lola yelled, pulling one of his braids.

"We should go to the club though." Darshay said.

"Why, it's not like you can drink."

"She gonna be posted in the corner sipping on her Shirley temple." Chresanto joaned.

"I can see why you have no girlfriend, you're annoying." She fired back.

"You're wrong, Darshay," Chresanto said, wrapping his arms around my waist. "Official, last night. Mad or nah?"

"She ain't gotta be mad," Jacob smirked, kissing her lips. "Official, last night too."

"Damnnnnnn!" Anaya, Carina, Tre, and Lola yelled.

"Well got damn, everyone in relationship now, huh?" I asked, laughing.

"This is crazy! I need my meds!" Ray yelled.

I laughed. "Y'all are too much."

"Welcome to the taken crew." Craig said, dapping up Jacob and Chresanto.

"Girl you know you gotta tell us all the details." Carina exclaimed, grabbing Darshay's and I hand.

"Of course! Y'all wasn't gonna tell no body!" Anaya yelled.

"I promise I was!" I yelled, racing up the stairs.

Anaya, Carina, Darshay, Lola, and November raced into my room and sat on the bed with me.

"So whose explaining first?" November said.

"Brielle!" Darshay yelled out.

I smiled. "Okay, it all started last night..."

A Player Remade (Sequel to A Player in the Remaking)Where stories live. Discover now