Chapter Sixteen

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I was more than excited today for my party. It was only noon and people would'nt start arriving at least until seven. I had more than enough things to do before it started. Christopher and Jacob both came out to help me wash all of the chairs and tables and also to clean out the pool. My mom helped me cook a whole bunch of different foods from potato sald to baked chicken and many of our guests were bring things with them for the party.

"Jacob can you quickly run over to the store and get some season salt? I ran out for the fried chicken!" I shouted from the kitchen.

"I'll ask Chresanto to pick some up on his way here." He yelled back.

"Why is Chresanto coming so early?" I asked. I was trying to avoid all altercations between Christopher and Chresanto. Even though they both told me that they'll act like they have some sense I still don't trust it, plus I had a surprise for Chresanto.

"We have some stuff to do before the party," He replied, walking into the kitchen and grabbing a wing. "These taste pretty good."

"Well tell Chresanto to hurry his ass up because I have some chicken that still needs to get fried and I have to get ready myself. I don't know why you just can't go and get some flour for me. You know how Chresanto is, he takes forever to get ready."

"If he's not here if ten minutes I'll go get it for you, ugly."

"You're the ugly one." I said, smacking him with a hand towel. "I have to go make a phone call real quick. I'll be right back."

I closed the back door and walked into the warm green grass. I pulled my phone out my pocket and dialed the ten digits to the person I needed to talk to.

"What do you want?" She answered.

I signed and rubbed my temples. "I'm just calling to make sure that we're still on for our plan."

"Yes, Brielle we are now stop calling me."

"Hold on, dammit! What time should you be arriving?"

"We just started driving so hopefully we should get there at eight but I can't make any promises."

"Please try your best to get her on time."

"Whatever, Brielle. I can't even believe I agreed to do this for you. You better have my money too."

"You're money is siting in a nice envelope for you. Just don't play no funny shit. Your hotel is rented out and everything."

"I won't be coming to your party or whatever. I'll be dropping her off and she's only staying for two weeks, that's it."

"Okay, bye. Don't forget to call me when you're here."

"I won't, now goodbye and don't call me anymore."

"I won't." I said, rolling my eyes and hanging the phone up.

Jacob and Chresanto were sitting in the living room on the couch talking to each other. When they saw me walk in, the both stopped and stared at me.

I awkwardly waved to Chresanto. "Hey, did you bring he flour?"

"Yeah, I sat it down in the kitchen for you." He replied, licking his lips.

"Thanks." I said, quickly walking into the kitchen.

I finished cooking the chicken and all the other foods that approximately took me four hours. Our kitchen was full of pans filled with the foods that my mother and I cooked. Now all I had to do was wrap them and keep them under the warms so they could stay warm until the guest come.

A Player Remade (Sequel to A Player in the Remaking)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora