Chapter Fifty Two

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Brielle Perez

"Baby!" I yelled as Chresanto engulfed me into a tight, warm hug. "I missed you."

"I missed you too, babygirl." He kissed my forehead.

I smiled and quickly pecked his lips. "Where's Lani?"

"She's with my mom right now at home. She was begging to come but she had to get them naps done."

I laughed. "Don't play my baby like that! She got nice hair. You just too lazy to do anything with it that's why you think it's nappy."

"That's partially true. She just got too much hair."

"Just like her father," I said, touching his hair. "I like this tapered cut you got by the way. It looks good."

"Thank you, baby," He said, kissing my lips. "Are we going to my house first or your moms?"

"Well... I kind of promised my mom that I would spend the night with her and Jacob since I'm only staying for a week and a half."

"You suck," He pouted. "I wanted to spend time with my baby."

I laughed. "I'm going to spend all of my free time with your needy ass, I promise. I'll even make us dinner."

"Oh you fancy huh?" He asked, spinning me around which caused me to giggle.

"Yeah baby just for you."

"How's school going?"

"Good actually. Super happy that I only have a few months left."

"Then you'll be back here in California with me." He wiggled his eyebrows.

"Boy please how you know I might not stay my bougie ass in New York?"

"For one because I know how much you miss your friends and family, and two because we're on good terms now and you're not running away from your problems anymore."

I turned my head. "What you mean running away from my problems?"

"Every time something happens that you don't want to deal with, you run away from it. You were running away from our break up and that's how you ended up in New York."

"I don't run away from my problems, Chresanto. I just needed to get away."

"You needed to get away because you didn't want to deal with your problems."

I kissed my teeth. "That's not why."

"Just admit it, Brielle. You do have a tendency to run away from your problems because you don't want to deal with them."

"Chresanto you always think that you know everything."

"I know more about you than you know about yourself, trust me."

I let go of his hand. "You know what you have a tendency of doing? Making me mad."

"I know I make you mad. You make me mad too. That's why we're perfect for each other." He smiled.

"I can only deal with your nappy ass." I mumbled, grabbing his hand again.

"This is why you love me because I keep it real with you."

A Player Remade (Sequel to A Player in the Remaking)Where stories live. Discover now