Chapter One

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New York, oh how much I'll miss you. I thought to myself as I sat down on my plane ride back to California. I was sitting near the window, looking at the dark orange and light red skies. It was eight at night and from what I understood, we were somewhere in the Dakotas, a few more hours until we would reach Cali.

I turned my phone on and it lit up like a firecracker while I smiled at lock screen. It was the infamous picture of my boyfriend, Christopher, and I. He came to visit me a couple of times while I was in New York. I couldn't wait to get back home to squeeze those soft cheeks of his and plant kisses all over him.

My phone vibrated and the drop bar slid down and told me I had a message from one of my close friends in New York, Kenya.

"You left me by myself her in NY for three months :( hate you biatchh. " -k

I chuckled lightly and sent her a text message back. Telling her that I miss her tall ass back. Kenya was one of a kind. In the matter of three years, she was close to me like Darshay and November are. I loved her and protected her like a real sister would and she did the same. I love to bond that we have.

I put my phone away in my pocket before I stared back out the tiny window like I was before. The skies were darker then they were just minutes ago. Just as I thought, the lights on the airplane cut off giving the the plane a cozy feel. More than half of the people riding on the plane were sleep or dozing off. I would've been right along with them but I was to excited to get to California.

Not just for seeing my friends and family but also for the warm weather and short shorts wearing. Being in New York one day it could be sunny and warm then the next it would be cold and pouring down snow. I'm use to having two seasons year round - the hot ass weather and the warm weather. When it's December I still have my fan on not a heater!

I pulled my shawl on more on my shoulders and rested my head against the arm of the chair ready too fall asleep.


Once I stepped off the plane into the airport, my mother and brother were there sitting down like they were ready to fall a sleep. As soon as my mother saw me she engulfed me into a hug and started rocking me back and forth.

"I missed you so much, sweetie!" She said, kissing my cheek. "How was New York?"

"New York was perfect, mom. Every year I go back for school I just fall in love with it even more. I'll tell you some stuff later." I said.

"Hello to you too, Jacob." I said, giving him a tight embrace.

He yawned. "Hey, sis. I'm sorry, I'm just really sleepy. I missed you a lot though. Can't wait to here all about New York even thought you send me at least ten pictures a day." He said, chuckling.

I laughed. "Remember when I told you that I was going to be calling, FaceTiming, texting, and sending you pictures everyday? I kept my promise."

"I know you would, little B. C'mon, let's get home, guys. You might wanna get some sleep because everyone's excited to see you tomorrow."

"I'm too siced to see everyone tomorrow! I really missed to crew."

"Siced?" Jacob asked, helping me carry my bags. "What in the hell does that mean?"

"Oh I guess it's a East Coast thing. Think of it as very very excited."

"Oh, okay. Is that all your stuff?" He asked, taking my three bags off of the conveyer belt.

"Yeah," I said, yawning. "Can we go home now? I've been awake since eight am and I'm sleepy."

"Yeah, c'mon. Let's go home." My mother said, grabbing her car keys out of her purse.

A Player Remade (Sequel to A Player in the Remaking)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora