Chapter Forty Six

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I woke up the next morning with a killer ass headache and it wasn't making it any better that my phone kept contantly ringing.

"Hello?" I screamed into the phone, not even looking at the caller ID.

"Fisr of all who the hell is you yelling at, Chresanto? I should be yelling at your lightskinned ass for not answering the damn phone last night having me all worried! You better not have been with no bitch last night." Brielle screamed into my ear.

"Brielle, shut the hell up. I have a headache right now." I mumbled into the phone.

"You want me to shut up for caring about you? Ooh, Chresanto I swear to God you make me angry."

"Look, nobody was with the no bitch last night. I went to the club with the guys and had a few drinks that's all."

"That's all, Chresanto? You couldn't even let me know? I was worried sick about you."

"And I'm grateful that I have a caring girlfriend but it's not that serious, B."

"Yes it is that serious, Chresanto. Was it that hard to pick up the phone and let me know where you were going? That's all I was asking for." She said, barely above a whisper hanging up the phone.

I groaned. I'd call her back later and make everything alright. I got out of the bed and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. I drunk some water and took two Advil pills to help with my headache.

I went into Lani's room and she was still sleep. I swear, this girl don't go to sleep until ten then don't wake up until the afternoon. She's just like her daddy, can sleep the day away. I decided to make everyone breakfast since it was Saturday and I didn't have any classes or anything to really do.

I took out some eggs, bacon, sausage, bread, fruit, and hash browns to make. Hell yeah ya nigga know how to cook.

Lani ran down the stairs a little while later and hugged onto my leg. "Mornin', Daddy!"

"Morning, baby girl." I said, kissing her cheek.

"Tomorrow is big day!" She yelled, running around the kitchen like the maniac that she is.

"What exactly is happening tomorrow?" I asked.

"Don't act like you don't know, fool! Mommy is coming!"

By the word 'Mommy', she meant Brielle. She's been calling her that ever since that FaceTime call I had with Brielle. I didn't mind and I know Brielle didn't mind so we just let it be. Brielle cares for her in a motherly way anyways.

"I know, Lani I was just messing around with you!" I said, throwing her into the air a couple of times. "Go tell Christy and Grandma that the food is ready."

"Got it!" She screamed, running back up the stairs.

"I swear that girl is full of energy." I mumbled.

I fixed a plate for Lani and I to share because she won't eat it if it's not off of my plate. I could make her a plate with the exact same thing on my plate and she wouldn't dare touch it. She's such a daddy's girl.

"Thanks for the breakfast!" Christy yelled.

"No problem! P O P hold it down!"

"Shut up, Chresanto. Always talking about some hold it down you ain't holding shit down." My mom said, walking into the living room.

"Well good morning to you." I said, throwing a pillow at her.

"Grandma!" Lani yelled. excited.

A Player Remade (Sequel to A Player in the Remaking)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz