Chapter Forty Eight

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I woke up the next moring in bed with Chresanto no where to be found. I wrapped the sheet around me and wobbled my way to the bathroom hoping in the shower. I washed my hair, shaved my legs, brushed my teeth, and the whole nine. I pulled on my blue and orange oneise then pulled my wet hair into a high bun.

I hummed August Alsina's Get Ya Money while I grabbed all the sheets and blankets to put in the wash. I called Chresanto's name but didn't get a answer. When I finally looked out the window to see if his car was there, it was gone. He probably went out to get some breakfast or something. I called his phone but his simple self left it here.

I decided to get ready for the day since I had nothing else to do. I grabbed a pair of jeans, a cute sweater, and sandals, cute and simple. I was about to get started on my makeup but Chresanto's phone started to ring. Someone named Jasmine popped up on the caller ID. It was probably a friend or something like that so I just let it ring and he could call her back when he gets home.

Calling once turned into calling twice and calling twice turned into calling ten times. I just decided to anwer it because whoever this person was didn't understand the concept of if someone doesn't answer the phone you wait until they call you back or call back later.

"Hello?" I answered the phone.

"Is this Chresanto?" The girl rudely asked.

"No, but this is his girlfriend."

"Oh you're the one he's been telling me about, huh?" She questioned.

"Um, I guess?"

"Can you hand Chresanto the phone? It's kind of important that I talk to him right now."

"He's not here at the moment and left his phone at home. Can I take a message?"

"Yeah, tell him that I called him and I would very much appreciate it if he would stop sending my calls to voice mail."

I chuckled. "Okay, honey. Who are you?"

"My name is Jasmine. Someone Chresanto knows."

I laughed. "Okay, Jasmine. I will tell him as soon as he gets home. Have a marvelous day, Jasmine."

"You too, Brielle."

I swear, there's always some weird ass females chasing after Chresanto. I mean, I know my nigga sexy as hell but don't be acting like some crazy ass psychopath. I knew this girl was gonna be trouble, but I wouldn't question Chresanto about it because I know him. He's really changed and shown improvement so I don't even question his loyalty to me anymore.

"Hey, baby." Chresanto said, kissing my forehead and placing a Chick Fil A bag beside me.

"Hey," I replied, pecking his lips. "Some girl named Jasmine called you and I answered the phone."

"What'd she tell you?" He asked, grabbing his phone.

"Nothing, why was she suppose to tell me something?"

"Nah." He said, shaking his head.

"Well, she told me to tell you that you she would greatly appreciate it if you stopped ignoring her calls." I laughed.

"Oh my God, this girl is crazy as hell!"

"How you meet her?"

"Toys R Us."

"Toys R Us?"

"Yeah, I was buying Lani some toys and I stood in her line so since it was the shortest and I didn't feel like waiting all day. Then, when me and the boys were at the club the other night, she spotted me and tried feeling up on me and stuff."

A Player Remade (Sequel to A Player in the Remaking)Where stories live. Discover now