Chapter Thirty Eight

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A couple of days have past by and the whole loosing my virginity thing to Chresanto was still on my mind. Deep deep down in my heart, I knew me and Chresanto would last for a long time. We both love each other and my gut is telling me to do it. I never had that feeling with Christopher. Never. The same feeling that was holding me back from Christopher was telling me that Chresanto was the one. Man, this shit is so confusing.

"Mommy!" I yelled, jumping on her bed like a little kid.

"Girl I just made my bed up! Get yo' Mexican monkey ass down!" She yelled while putting some rollers in her head.

I chuckled. "Can we talk?"

"About what?" She questioned.

"My virginity."

She sighed. "You think you're ready, don't you?"

I nodded my head. "I just don't want you to be disappointed in me, mommy."

"I will never ever be disappointed in you, Brielle. You've done all I've asked for in more. I can't hold you back anymore baby. I know you love Chresanto and he loves you. You're grown now. If you think he's the one, then go ahead."

"I just feel like this would be a major sin in my life."

"Girl, gon' head. People sin everyday! If God is going to forgive you why not sin and have fun with your life? It's not like we're gonna be here forever."

"You're right. Thanks a lot, mommy."

"No problem. Just make sure Chresanto wraps it up because I swear on everything I love, if anybody has any more babies anytime soon ima bring my leather belt out."

I giggled. "Don't worry, ma. I think Jacob and Darshay having a baby is already enough."

"Child, I pray every night that that child won't have a big ass head like Jacob."

I laughed. My mommy always knew how to cheer me up. "Me too, mommy. Me too."

I sat in my room and decided to call up Chresanto. I miss my baby.

"Hello?" He answered the phone.

"Hi, baby!" I exclaimed.

"What's up, boo?"

"I miss you sooooooo much." I sang.

"I missed you too. Wanna come over and chill?"

"Yeah about that, my mom is leaving tonight for work and Jacob and Darshay aren't going to be here. Wanna sleep over? It'll give us some needed alone time."

"Of course, lemme ask mama to watch Lani first. I'll hit you in a couple of hours."


"Love you."

"Love you too." I hung up.

I squealed. I can't believe it. In a few I hours might not be a virgin. I'm so surprised that I've held on to my virginity for this long. Shit, at least I'm loosing it to Chresanto. Even if we don't stay together forever, lord forgive me for saying that, I know we'll still always have love for each other so no hard feelings.

I decided that I was gonna make my boo some dinner. I loved cooking! Especially for Chresanto. It makes me feel like we're a little cute couple.


I was so hip that Brielle wanted to lose her virginity to me soon. Jacob overheard her and Darshay talking about it on the phone a few nights ago and instantly warned me. I was quit excited actually. I didn't want Brielle loosing her virginity to one of these bum niggas out here. I'd rather her loose it to me.

A Player Remade (Sequel to A Player in the Remaking)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora