Chapter Twenty Three

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Ever since that day I went to Lola's house, me and Baby Renee have been super close. I've already babysat her twice just this week. She's the best baby that I've ever met. She's not clingy to her parents so when she came over my house, she wasn't crying or anything like that. She was so bubbly and always smiling. At just a few weeks old, her head was full of gorgeous black locks. She was beyond beautiful and I loved her so, so so much.

"Lord, November when are you going to get out of the house sometime?" My mother asked, sitting across from me on the couch.

"I get out enough." I responded.

"The only time you even go outside is when you're going to pick up Renee or when you're going shopping with Renee."

I shrugged. "I don't really have any friends."

"What happened to Brielle and Darshay? They were sweet young girls."

"Yeah, they were." I said. "But it's just to much drama right now."

"Sweetie, I know you and Daniel just broke up but I think it's time for you to move on."

"Slowly but surely I am, mom."

"You know, I met this lady at church the other day and she has a son a few years older than you."

"That's nice."

"I was thinking about inviting them over for dinner one day this week. How do you feel about that?"

"That would be nice."

"Well I can't wait. Hopefully y'all would hit it off. He's one of those boys you like with all them tattoos and stuff."

I chuckled. "Is he cute?"

"Yes, child. Very."

I giggled. "Well I can't wait, mom. Just let me know when and I'll do my best to be cute."

"You're my daughter so I know you won't have to try hard."


I curled my hair, applied foundation, conceler, eyeshadow, mascara, and lip gloss. I wore a skin tight black dress and nude pumps. I guess when my mother meant sometime this week she meant tomorrow. At first I thought it was just my mothers' friend from church and her son but I guess we were having a small get together because she told me that ten people were coming to our house. I don't know exactly what they were coming to do and I really don't care. I'm just ready to see who this boy is and if he's cute or not.

"November! Come help me with this food before our guest come!"

I sighed. "I'm coming, mommy!"

"Well don't you look so beautiful," My mother awed, clasping her hands together.

"Thanks, mommy. What do you need help with?"

"Come help me set the food out on the dinning room table. Mary and her son should be here pretty soon. Then the others are coming."

"What are you guys exactly doing?" I asked, carrying out the pan of macaroni.

"Just spending sometime with my church friends out of church," She said. "You should come to a service one day."

"Yeah, I really need too," I replied. "I always tried to get to one while I was at school but there weren't to many like our church, mama."

"Yeah, The Lord is The Lord. As long as you're going to church I can't blame you."

"You're right about that. So what is Mary's sons' name?"

"I can't remember that childs name to save my life," The door bell rung once and my mom set the yams down. "That must be them."

A Player Remade (Sequel to A Player in the Remaking)Where stories live. Discover now