Chapter Twenty Two

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After all, Christopher asked me to come over and talk things out with him. Since I was willing to, I started my car up and got to his apartment within ten minutes. He opened his door and let me in. I quietly sat on the couch, crossing my left leg over my right. He sat down across from me on the sectional.

"Hey." He said.


"Are you mad at me?" He asked.

"No I'm not mad, I want to kill you but I'm not mad. You did what you did for a reason, right?All this time I was pushing the thought of you cheating on me to the back of my head when that same thought should've been at the front."

"Yeah, I guess so..."

"Who was it?"


"Oh," I said, shaking my head. "That girl that you claimed was your friend, huh?"

"That's how it all started off as but I guess one thing led to another."

"Yeah, I guess one thing led to another too. How long have you been cheating on me?"

"I think since like last summer."

"A year, Christopher really? What wasn't I giving you that she did, Christopher?"


"I swear to God you ain't shit. What happened to no matter what you were willing to wait for me?" I asked, shedding a few tears.

"Yeah I thought I could but I need to be pleasured to, Brielle. Kissing and hugging isn't going to satisfy me."

"Then you should've just broken up with me! I could've taken a heart break better than this!"

"It wasn't that easy, Brielle. I loved you and I still do!"

"Do you know what the meaning of love is? You don't love me, Christopher! I told you about my past, I told you about all my hurt and you decide to do me like this!? I thought you were different! Ever since I went to college you changed! I liked the old Christopher more! The one who actually gave a fuck about me and wouldn't do this, ever!"

"Well I changed, Brielle. I'm still young and I'm going to do me regardless. Being in a relationship with you was alright and everything but you're just to... different. I want a girl who I can make love to, not just kiss all the time."

"I'm sorry that I have respect for myself and want to at least wait until I'm ready and when I meet someone who I know I was going to be with for a long time."

"Well that person isn't me and it never will be. I'm wont be ready to settle down with anyone for a long time. If I did, it couldn't be with someone who argues with me over everything I do!"

I nodded my head. "Fair enough, Christopher. I hope you find that girl one day and treat her right."

"So that's just it between us, huh?"

"You thought I was going to stay around?" I asked. "No, I can find someone better for me and so can you."


"Have a nice life, Christopher. I hope everything goes well for you because we all deserve happiness, right?" I grabbed my bag and opened the door to his apartment. I glanced at him one more time. "As much as you hurt me, I'll always still love you, Christopher but we just aren't right for each other."

I walked out of the building and sighed. Maybe relationships just aren't meant for me. Every time I get into one, I put my all into it and I come out heartbroken.

A Player Remade (Sequel to A Player in the Remaking)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora