Chapter Thirty

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I felt myself starting to drift off to sleep when the door started to open. I already knew that it was Jacob so I sighed. Not another night of this bullshit.

"What do you want, Jacob?" I asked, crossing my hands over my chest area.


"No, Jacob. Don't start with that Darshay bullshit. I can't do this anymore. You wanna come in here, tell me you love me, cuddling and shit but you don't want to fix anything. I don't want anymore mixed signals from you. If you're not ready to fix anything, then I don't want you in here, so make your decision."

He signed. "I wanna work things out, Darshay. That's what I'm here for."

I nodded my head and scooted back on the bed, giving him space to sit down in front of me. "Where do we start?" I asked.

"I don't even wanna talk about this bullshit anymore. I just want my girl back. I just want to start my growing family, Darshay. I made stupid decisons and you made stupid decisons, but can we just forget about that shit?"

"It's not that easy, Jacob. I know you're keeping everything inside and away from me. I've known you for so long, Jake. I see the hurt on your face every time I look at you and it hurts me to know that I caused it. Tell me, Jacob. Tell me what I've caused. This is the only way that we're going to fix things. You can't just throw it over your shoulder anymore. I'm here to listen." I said, rubbing his thigh.

He rubbed through his hair and looked staright at me with those hazel eyes of his. "Just why, why did you cheat?"

I looked down at my hands and started playing with them. "My selfish needs, Jacob. I was being so selfish. At the time, Chresanto was just lust. He had the body, the looks, and every girl wanted him. I'm not even gonna lie, Chresanto tried stopping me, but I just kept playing with him until I got what I wanted and he gave it to me. I felt so bad, so so bad, Jacob. I didn't want to ruin our relationship so I just kept it to myself, and it literally ate at me everyday. I never loved Chresanto, he was just lust. I was and still am in love with you."

"I could've gave you whatever you wanted, Darshay."

I sighed. "I know, it's just that... I don't know what to say, Jacob."

"You don't have to say anything, Darshay. I just want you to understand how hurt I am."

"I do understand how hurt you are, Jacob because I'm hurt too. It hurts not being able to tell you everything anymore, it hurts not being able to kiss you anymore, to hug you anyone, or to stay on FaceTime till four in the morning anymore. It all hurts me too. I miss you so much and knowing that I'm the reason why we're like this right now makes it even worse."

He nodded his head. "What do you think we should do?" He asked.

"Whatever you want to do, Jacob. I'm fine with it. I just want you to be happy."

"You make me happy, Darshay. At this point in life, I'm over it. What happened, happened. I just want to forget about it," He said, "Can you promise me something?"

"What is it?"

"Just promise me that you won't hurt me anymore."

"I wouldn't, Jacob. I've already done enough damage. I just want to be happy. Hopefully with you."

"Good," He said, licking his lips. "Now, I have one more thing to do."

"And what is that?" I asked, smirking.

"This." He whispered, kissing me on the lips.

I kissed him back and wrapped my arms around his neck. "I love you, Jacob."

A Player Remade (Sequel to A Player in the Remaking)Where stories live. Discover now