Chapter Fourty Three

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"Chresanto!" I squealed, once he answered my FaceTime call.

"Hey, baby. How's everything?" He asked, taking off his reading glasses.

"Great-" I couldn't even get the words out of my mouth before I had a sudden urge to throw up. I made it to the bathroom in time before feeling like I threw up everything inside of me. The fuck I'm throwing up for?

I quickly brushed my teeth and took two Advil's since I had a slight migraine. I walked back over to where my iPhone was plugged up and continued my conversation with Chresanto.

"Sorry, I got the sudden urge to throw up." I sighed.

"Throw up? You're not pregnant, are you?" He asked.

I looked at this nigga like he done lost his mind. "Really, Chresanto. That's the first thing that came to your mind?"

"When Jamie was pregnant with Lani she was throwing up all over the place and shit."

"Well, I'm not Jamie and I'm pretty sure it's food poisoning or somethin'. I don't think that chicken Kenya ass cooked last night was fully cooked."

"Yeah, it better be food poisoning."

"Whatever, Chresanto. We haven't fucked since I left and that was two months ago. If I was pregnant I would know."

"Girl, you would be happy as hell to have my babies."

"Babies? Chile please. I don't even wanna have your baby." I said, laughing at myself.

"Not right now but trust me, in a few years you would. We'll have our own house with about a basketball team of children, a nice ass big yard, a dog or somethin, and a whole bunch of other shit. Don't that sound nice?"

"Yeah, everything except for the basketball team full of children. Who gonna be pushin' out that many babies?"

"You, duh."

"You got the wrong one, Chresanto. I think Lani is enough already. Where's my baby girl anyways?"

"I just put her to sleep. I'll tell her to call you tomorrow."

"Aww, okay. Can't wait to see you guys."

"Same here. Twenty seven more days until I'm able to fuck the shit out of you."

"Wow, Chresanto thanks. I thought you were gonna say something cute like, twenty seven more days until I'll see your beautiful face."

"I see your ugly ass on Instagram everyday, shut up."

I laughed. "That's foul, youngin'. I hope I'm on my period when I get back to California."

"Damn, that was even more fucked up then my joke. Yo' ugly ass has no chill."

"Tell me something I don't know."

"On November twenty first I will be fucking the shit out of you."

"I ain't letting you hit play boy."

"Oh foreal?" He asked, raising a brow.
I nodded my head. "Bet, we'll see how far that goes."

"Pretty damn far, fam."

"Fam? Damn, Bri New York got you acting all brand new. Don't make me have to catch a body."

"You ain't Mitch you ain't catchin no bodies."

"Who's Mitch?"

"You stupid? In the song Hot Nigga Mitch caught a body 'bout a week ago." I said, doing a little dance.

"Are you stupid it's bitch caught a body 'bout a week ago."

"Look up the lyrics right now. Bet ten dollars I'm right."

"Bet, ya' lil I don't know the lyrics head ass."

I watched as he typed some shit into his lap top before squinting his eyes. I died out laughing.

"Where's my ten dollars fam?"

"Hell nah this is some fuckery! I been lied to my whole life!"

"Dumb ass talkin' 'bout I don't know the lyrics." I said.

"You ain't get no ten dollars we ain't shake on anything."

"Lying ass gets on my nerves." I said, rolling my eyes.

"You lucky you across the country so I can't slap that ass for rolling your eyes at me."

"Good lemme roll 'em all day long while I can."

"They gonna get stuck like that."

"Will you still love me if they do?"

"Hell no, I'll go to my plan b wifey Beyoncé."

"She don't want yo' ugly ass she got Jay. Plus your mines don't let ol' girl get a beat down."

"Please, Brielle you wouldn't know what to do if you were even in the same town as Beyoncé."

"You right, you right. She slays my life."

"You're ugly everyone slays your life."

"If I'm ugly why you with me?"

"Cus you cook after sex."

"Chresanto!" I exclaimed. "You're so rude."

"I'm joking, bae. I'm with you because you're my other half and I wouldn't know what to do with myself if I lost you again. You make me smile and you help me become a better man. You're just not my girlfriend or future wife but you're my best friend and you'll always have a place in my heart. You may be ugly but in my eyes your gorgeous, aight."

"Damn, Chresanto I didn't know we were getting that deep but thank you. That made me feel better."

"No problem."

"What you doing?"

"Finishing up this essay due tomorrow."

"Wanna get off the phone? I don't want you to get distracted or anything."

"No it's fine because if we get off the phone all I'm gonna do is end up thinking about you and not doing the essay at all. You're actually helping me focus."

"Aww, baby boy sprung."

"Hell yeah, can't deny that."

"Duh, look at who I am who wouldn't be sprung?"

"See there you go with ya' lil cocky ass."

"I'm not cocky it's just the truth, homie."

"But you're ugly so it's not you just lied you going to hell."

"If I go you coming right along with me."

"Says who?"

"Me." I smirked.

"No you can go by yourself I don't like you like that shawty."

"Fuck you ima' find me a good man in hell."

"Have fun."

I rolled my eyes. "You're so annoying. Anyways, I promised Kenya I would go shopping with her. I'll text you later ok?"

"Ok, bye baby, I love you."

"Love you too, papi."

A Player Remade (Sequel to A Player in the Remaking)Where stories live. Discover now