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Chapter 25 – The Circumstances of the 3 Sisters Part 6

“Now since today is the promised date, I would like to receive the quota payment.”

Gametts had brought along his rather repugnant men to the residence of the sisters,
Beside him was Zangiri who seem to be looking at the empty sky.


“Fumufumu~, well let me just confirm…let’s see here. Oh? Ai-san, this isn’t enough.”

“N-no way?! Take another look!  With the interest it was supposed to be precisely 5000G!”

“No no, 5000G is not nearly enough, you know.”

“But we had talked about it before! The monthly quota should be 5000G right!?”

Gametts forced a sigh while the sisters glared at him.

“You need to remember that you haven’t been able to meet the quota before, and it was added onto this payment to make up for the loss. In short, the interest went up by 5%. You understand now, right?”

“But Gametts-san, you extended the settlement date yourself…and there was no mention in the contract! Why did it suddenly change now?”

“That’s right, no such thing was written there!”

Mai started to get angry and prepared to enter battle with the men in front of her. They just sneered at her and Mai’s intuition told her to stop.
She got goosebumps and stepped back.

“About that…I shouldn’t have to explain why, you should understand.”

“I totally disagree. If that was the case then why wasn’t it written in the contract?”
(TL: 「納得いきません。それならば契約書にそう記しておくのが道理です」)

“Quota, interest. All of them were written there. Please don’t misunderstand and then try to justify yourself. Now, hand over the payment. The total quota for this month is 23250G.”

“That’s fraud!!!”

“That’s what I should say to you. If your parents had done their job properly two years ago and escorted us, my lovely subordinate wouldn’t have died. Boasting about being capable and then failing so is a cruel thing.”


The 2 of them kept silent.
Due to the debt they owed to the Gametts firm, both parents accepted the quest to be the bodyguard of Gametts to repay their loans.
The heavy burden those two had been carrying was now being dropped onto their daughter’s shoulders.
(TL: 二重の責務が重くのしかかり、今日に至る。)

“I’ve been looking over you like a guardian up until now, but I can’t wait for these payments anymore. You three are going to pay with your bodies. Hey!”

Gametts instructed his men.
The men rapidly moved and started to seize the sisters.


The men pinned down Mi and bullied Mai.

“Please leave my younger sisters alone! I’ll do anything! Please!”


Ai was prostrating herself to Gametts who was staring at her suspiciously.


“Now that I think about it, aren’t the sisters paying the quota today?”

“Mm. I wonder if we were able to help them out enough.”

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