𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 12

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I finally open the door and went inside with Aoi to see Y/n was under her covers. We crept over and lifted the covers to see she was sleeping.

"Ahh there's blood on her clothes and sheets!" Aoi whisper yelled waving her arms. "Hey wait..." I whispered putting my hand on her chest.

"Oh she's doing concentrated breathing! but.... was it that bad?" I whispered frowning. "She was really panicking badly" Aoi said.


I opened my eyes to see Aoi and Kanao. "Y/n are you okay I'm sorry" Kanao said. "Mhm" I hummed sitting up.

"Here Y/n we have to wrap your hand and change your clothes and sheets they're all dirty now" Aoi said.

I nodded and went to the infirmary with Aoi. She cleaned and wrapped my hand up. "Is it too tight?" Aoi asked.

I shook my head. "Well if it helps you feel better you finally accomplished concentrated breathing!" Aoi said smiling.

"I did!?" I signed. "Yes you apparently do it in your sleep!" Aoi said. "But I thought I apparently breathed too fast" I signed.

"Yes but when you're sleeping your breathing slows down" Aoi said holding her finger up. "Oh so like this" I signed breathing in slowly.

"YES! THAT WAS PERFECT!! wait..... that was too perfect..." Aoi said eyeing my suspiciously. "I swear I just found this information out" I signed before putting my hands up in defense.

"Hmm well then I guess it's just natural for you" Aoi said. "Ah that's kinda creepy" I signed.

"No! it's cool there are so many people who would wish they had your situation!" Aoi said. "Yeah but I only found out because I had a panic attack after seeing blood" I signed.

"How can I be a demon slayer if I can't even look at blood" I signed. "Just think of it as red paint the world is your canvas" Aoi said.

"Demon's heads are apart of my painting!!?" I signed. "Haha no just think of the red paint only you use the red paint to color all of the butterfly's on the canvas" Aoi said.

"That's a better interpretation" I signed. "Yeah it helped me when I first saw blood now I don't need to use it anymore" Aoi said.

"hopefully I'll get over it" I signed. "Right anyways here are you clothes you will be wearing for now!" Aoi said handing me a folded up kimono.

"This will have to do because your clothes are stained with blood and I won't be able to get it out" Aoi said.

I nodded and took the kimono. I put it on and looked in the mirror.

It was purple and had a flower pattern on it. "Great! You'll be able to train in this Kanao had one like that so you'll be fine" Aoi said.

"Mhm!" I hummed. I went outside and sat down in the garden.

"Y/n! I have someone who wants to see you!♫" Shinobu sang walking into the garden. "I never said that" I heard someone say.

'Oooh is it Kyojuro!' I thought standing up happily. I watched as Shinobu dragged Tomioka over to me.

"But why is Tomioka here" I signed. "He's homeless now so he has to stay with us!" Shinobu said with a forced smile.

"He'll stay in the basement😁" Shinobu said. "But I'm not homeless🤨" Tomioka said.

"You can stay here anyway" I signed before pulling them both so they could sit down with me. "Y/n what happened to your hand?" Shinobu asked frowning.

𝐑𝐔𝐍- 𝐊𝐍𝐘 𝐱 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now