Sensitive hearing

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This takes place in season four and five.

Warning: Small panic attack and sensory overload

Inmo's POV
We were at the gmg. I tried to avoid getting too close to anyone, especially the louder ones. You see, I have really sensitive hearing so if there's to much noise I can get a sensory overload. And it's not pleasant. My head was hurting a bit but not to much that I couldn't hide it.

1 year later

Here I was. At the Gmg party once again. It was so much louder this time. And the worst part was, Sir Ritchie wants us to talk to people, or be faced with dodge the lightning bolt. I don't mind doing dodge the lightning bolt but there's a chance I will have to reveal my weakness and I refuse to do that. So I'll just have to bear with the pain for a bit.

I was hanging around some of the protectors and some other people. I can't say I was really having a conversation with them since I was focusing more on the fact that my head felt like it was going to slip open at any second. My attention was only caught when a hand appeared right in front of me. I jumped back, startled. I looked to see who's hand it was, only to see Sir. Ritchie with an annoyed expression. "Inmo, I've been calling your name for two minutes." He said, clearly annoyed. I blinked. "Oh- sorry Sir. Ritchie." I apologized. He sighed. "Anyways, I noticed you weren't really talking with anyone, so I came to remind you that if you don't you'll be playing dodge the lightning bolt." He said. I nodded, now realizing that he was right. But glad he didn't question why I hadn't talked to anyone or why I was zoned out.

I had managed to find a small group of people to talk to for a bit, so it wasn't to loud. Sadly I was all alone now. I hated being alone but I also hated when there was so much noise. Suddenly I heard a loud boom. I jumped, confused and scared by the noise. Before realizing it was just a firework, before rising into panic again at the realization that there was a fireworks show. Seriously! I looked around in a panic, everyone was looking up at the sky,(imagine there's a big skylight) so I took the chance to slip away unnoticed, once I was well away from everyone I took off running. As far away as I could.

I eventually came to a stop. I looked up to see where I was. I was at one of the many fountains in Alantide. I sighed, going over to it, I sat on the ground, leaning against the walls of the fountain. The sound of the flowing water was soothing. So soothing. That I soon feel asleep.

Ritchie's POV
When the first firework was launched I looked around the room, everyone was looking up at the sky in awe, everyone except for Inmo. He look scared, then he look calm, then he looked scared again. He looked around before walking away. I was concerned I will admit. He's usually loud and annoying. But I've barely seen him talk to anyone tonight, and he was spacing out earlier. I looked at my brother. He was looking at the sky. I figured he'd understand. So I left him and ran after Inmo.

It took me a while to find him, but I eventually found him, asleep against a fountain. He looked peaceful. I smiled. His tail was crossed over his legs. And as I got closer it sounded as if he was purring. He was just like a cat. I decided to take a seat beside him, not wanting to disturb his sleep. I closed my eyes, not quite falling asleep.

Inmo's POV
I groaned. I opened my eyes to the blinding light of the sun. I closed my eyes, it's morning now. I should get back to the guild. I carefully blinked my eyes open. I was about to get up when I turned my head to see, Sir. Ritchie! I was startled, I definitely wasn't expecting to wake up and see him next to me. He looked to be asleep. I carefully repositioned myself so that I was on my knees, I crawled over to him. Reaching my hand up, I lightly poked his cheek in hopes that would wake him, sadly it didn't. My head was still ringing from last night, so I didn't want to yell at him to get him up. Then I realized, we were right beside a fountain full of water...

He yelled, having just been doused in water. I cringed back because of the yelling. He growled. He looked up at me, he stopped. "Inmo...did you splash me with water?" He asked, slightly calming down. I nodded. Surprisingly he didn't seem as mad as I would have expected him to be. "Why?" He questioned. "Uh..because I wanted to wake you up, I tried poking you and that didn't work, and I really didn't want to yell, and we are right next to a fountain..." I explained my reasoning. He hummed. "Why exactly did you not want to yell?" He asked. I blinked, now realizing my mistake. " reason..." I said, not very convincingly. He quirked and eyebrow, clearly not believing me. I sighed, knowing it was time to tell him. "I- um...I have really sensitive when there's a lot of noise I can get a sensory overload..." I explained. "Why didn't you tell us?" He asked. "I-I guess I just didn't want you to look down at me more than you already do..." I said, sadness coating my voice. His face morphed into one of concern. He took my hands in his. "Inmo...I'm sorry, I didn't realize you thought that." He said. I smiled. "It's fine, I wasn't exactly open about my feelings... no need to apologize."

After the at we went back to Divinus. I asked Sir. Ritchie not to tell anyone about this, and he agreed, but he's been giving death glares every time someone insults me. It's kind of funny. He's kind of like boss, in the since of being overprotective. I didn't mind that much.

-The end? Or to be Continued?-

Not a romantic ship.

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